Morton was discovered by Gold Coast talent agent Kathy Tabet at age 13 while shopping with her mother at Pacific Fair. Tabet, a former international model herself, "approached the young girl's mother and said Talullah had the ability to be a top model."[2] Several months later, while studying at Wollumbin High School in Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Morton completed a modelling course at Tabet's now-defunct Buckingham Academy and was subsequently booked for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.[3] She then had many other professional modelling appearances including opening the 2005 show for Australian fashion designer Josh Goot.[4] A 20-page shoot in fashion magazine Follow was published shortly thereafter, quickly leading to other work.[5] By 2006, Morton had made her New York City debut, at another Josh Goot show.[6] Her age reportedly inhibited her ability to work in Europe initially,[7] and was referenced again when bans on under-age modelling were mooted in 2007.[8]