Talk:Innocence of Muslims


As is detailed under the article for the 2012 Benghazi attacks, there is ample evidence that this video had absolutely no influence on the Benghazi attack in 2012; the Wikipedia article covering this attack itself has strong evidence denying any link. Therefore it is proper to have a competing source to oppose Susan Rice's view that there is a link, which is currently headlined in this article and is not currently rebutted by any evidence. At this time, because the article is 'protected', it is not possible for regular editors to correct this discrepancy.

__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONDESKTOP__{"headingLevel":2,"name":"h-William523-2013-02-20T07:54:00.000Z","type":"heading","level":0,"id":"h-Detalied_Summary_with_Dialogue-2013-02-20T07:54:00.000Z","replies":["c-William523-2013-02-20T07:54:00.000Z-Detalied_Summary_with_Dialogue"],"text":"Detalied Summary with Dialogue","linkableTitle":"Detalied Summary with Dialogue"}-->

Detalied Summary with Dialogue

__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONMOBILE__{"headingLevel":2,"name":"h-William523-2013-02-20T07:54:00.000Z","type":"heading","level":0,"id":"h-Detalied_Summary_with_Dialogue-2013-02-20T07:54:00.000Z","replies":["c-William523-2013-02-20T07:54:00.000Z-Detalied_Summary_with_Dialogue"],"text":"Detalied Summary with Dialogue","linkableTitle":"Detalied Summary with Dialogue"}-->

Because such a thing as a detailed summary of the video did not exist, I created it by watching the video and quoting relevant portions and describing other details. The character "Mohammed" is in quotations marks because no sensible person should believe that this individual is meant to actually be the Prophet Mohammed, Peace and Blessings be upon Him, but rather a blatant caricature designed to inflame the gullible but devout. Any failures in capitalization or similar honors are unintentional.



Innocence of Muslims

This video is portrayed as a detailed trailer for a motion picture titled "Innocence of Muslims."

The video begins with sinister looking constable talking to a pharmacist in white coat and later a man in passing, all using humorous voices.

The constable explains how "our prophet" had "61 wives, 11 at the same time, even a girlfriend," and then, "if my sick wife died today, i would sell the medicine, eat the food, and marry a young girl tomorrow. I will marry her tomorrow."

The next scene is action packed with white robed bearded men attacking what seems to be the pharmacy from the opening scene. The pharmacist bids his wife to have her mother send the patients home as they must flee the mob. Meanwhile, the police commander orders his men to take no action against the looting and destruction until it is all over. Arson is ordered by a white beard to men with torches: "Set the place on fire, we will burn out these forsaken Christians." A christian woman with a cross prominently worn as a necklace has her throat slashed by the mob.

The next scene is the pharmacist at home with his wife and daughter, relating that the police have rounded up Christians and forced them, through torture, to confess. The scene continues with a discussion of why the police would do such a thing. The father explains, by writing an equation on a board that man + x = bt. bt is described in a subtle voice over as "Islamic terrorism." This is the first of many voice overs.

The next scene is typical of the rest of the movie, set in a "desert" (an obvious green screen) reminiscent of Biblical epics complete with costumes and beards. The discussion between a father and son revolves around the scandal of a two year old son to a father dead for 6 years. The son begs his father to accept the child, even as one of his slaves. When questioned as to "What shall I call him? To whom should i attribute him?" the answer is given with an obvious voice over "His name is 'Mohammed', we can call him the father unknown." The next scene, and all subsequent scenes, show this "Mohammed" in a rather unflattering light, constantly focusing on his stupidity, greed, and base lusts. He is first shown gnawing on a bone as a young black boy watches and licks his lips, when he is summoned by a soldier, with voice over of the name "Mohammed, the bastard," to his lady. The black boy steals the bone from "Mohammed" and "Mohammed" chastises him not to finish it. The actors attempt some levity in this scene, with "Mohammed" being angered at being called a bastard by the bone thief, warning that he's watching the thief, and offering his robe to the guard so that "Mohammed" can be manhandled off to his lady.

The next scene is "Mohammed" with his lady. This scene features many cuts in dialogue, complete with voice overs, to suggest a much longer scene was shot. This is a device also used frequently in the video. "Mohammed" is made to look foolish by sitting with his legs akimbo on the floor, revealing that he is not wearing undergarments. There is an instant jump to a now bearded "Mohammed" and his lady in different costumes. "Mohammed" seems afraid of something, and is bid by his lady to put his head between her thighs, suggesting an affinity for oral sex. The lady is revealed to be Khadija and "Mohammed" can no longer see whatever was vexing him after being comforted between her thighs.

Another quick cut brings us outside to see "Mohammed" with an old white beard and Khadija. "Mohammed" is filled with happiness as he proclaims a nearby donkey shall be the first Muslim animal. "Mohammed" has a one sided conversation with the animal: "What is your name? Yaphor. His name is Yaphor! Yaphor, do you like the women? No. Ha-ha, Yaphor does not like the women. HaHaHa" "Mohammed" embraces the hand of the white beard and Khadija by the shoulders, then runs off after Yaphor. Kadija entreats her cousin (the white beard) to help them. In an obvious voice over, sounding very similar to the guard in the previous scene, the cousin responds, "I will help you, Khadija. I will make a book for him. It will be a mix between subversions of the Torah and subversions from the New Testament and mix them into false verses." There is also a very prominent cross depicted behind kadija and her cousin. Kadija embraces her cousins hand after he promises his "help."

The next quick cut brings us "Mohammed" speaking to what are meant to be some of his men. He has lost his inspiration because Warwika is dead, and he is going to the top of the mountain to discover a solution or kill himself. He has gone to the mountain twice before to kill himself. An instantaneous transition to the next scene happens next, with all these same actors and several more, as they plot to kill the men and capture the women and loot the goods. A particularly nefarious looking man fondles his sword and asks "What about the children, Master? You know, some of us..." "Mohammed" tells them that "you may use whom you wish of the children, the rest shall be sold as slaves to buy more swords and horses." The original speaker wonders what will happen if they are killed, but there is a quick cut to some previously unseen men, thrusting out their swords in salute and saying in a blatant voice over, "Mohammed is allah messenger and the Koran is our constitution." This particular voice over is noticeably accented with the r sound as w, to make the professor of faith sound particularly silly.

The next quick cut shows an older man saying "You do not understand" before the scene focuses on "Mohammed" and a young woman. Her husband has just left with the caravan, she relates, as "Mohammed" lustfully gazes at her. He tells her to go wait in his tent, that he is "coming" (with a leer). The camera pulls back to show that "Mohammed" had been sitting with some men and a woman. The woman inquires if it is not shameful for a woman to expose herself to a man she does not know. "Mohammed" responds with "Have you not heard what God has said in the Koran?" Although this voice sounds much like the actor, his lips are clearly not shaping for him to have said "Koran." In the original actor's voice, he goes on to say, "The master may desire whom he wants, and shall be given whom he wants." The woman answers with resignation, "God is true in all that He says in the book." "Mohammed" also goes on to explain, "Also, if a married woman offers herself to the master, and he wishes to have her, he is allowed, even if the rest of the believers are not allowed." This dialogue is expressed to sound as though he is just making it up as he is going along. One of his minions interjects with, "Everything Allah says in the Koran is true, how pleasurable is our Islamic ways," but "Allah" and "Koran" are an obvious voice over as the viewer watches the actors lips and the actor's mouth is not visible for the second part of the statement.

The next quick cut goes to "Mohammed" reminding another gray beard that the God of the Torah destroyed all the men, women, and children of Jericho, with the old man responding that "Elohim, our God did that, but, if you notice, he gave the city a 450 year chance." The old man waxes historically about how they both believe in the same God, but "Mohammed" informs his followers that it is no longer enough that they believe in one god, but that they must say "God, and Mohammed his Messenger (another obvious voice over)." He finally bids the old man to go and read the Koran, move to Palestine, or pay the extortion. The reference to reading the Koran is a clear voice over. The old man curses and storms off as "Mohammed" restrains his men from going after him with anger in his eyes.

The next scene features two new followers of "Mohammed," a man and woman. The man proclaims, "My daughter shall have the stars" and the woman replies (in what seems to be a voice over of a much older sounding woman for the actress) "Is your 'Mohammed' a child molester?" The woman later goes on, in her usual voice, "Our daughter is but a child, and he is 55 years old." The man points out that he is "53, not 55 [an obvious attempt at levity again] and he has wealth and power. My daughter shall be his bride whether you say yes or no."

The next scene starts with "Mohammed" vigorously quaffing a goblet, with a quick cut to 2 of his men from a previous scene talking about him: "Is the messenger of God gay?" ["is the messenger" is a voice over facilitated by the actors mouth not being visible] "Yes, he is, and Omar also." "I know about Omar, but is the master dominant or submissive?" "Mohammed" interjects by saying "both." The conversation devolves by "Mohammed asking the questioner if he remembers a certain night, which the questioner agrees he does, while his face expresses that he does not.

Another quick cut to "Mohammed" with another woman, holding her shoulders from behind, fondling her as she is repulsed but resigned to be groped, as he boasts that she is his and only for him. He turns her to face him and takes her to the floor and begins talking about cancelling an adoption, saying that "Islamic nation" [obvious voice over] "forbids adoption" for an unintelligible reason. Another conspicuous voice over states, "That is the next verse of the Koran," as he begins to kiss her.

The next scene is an old woman talking to some new henchmen of "Mohammed." She says, "My age has exceeded 120 years, and in all my young life 'I have not seen such a murderous thug as Mohammed' [voice over]. He kills men, captures women and children, robs the caravans, breaches agreements and treaties. He sells the children as slaves after he and his men have used them. and, what's more, he does this all in the name of God." Ruefully laughing, she continues, in the style of an old jewish woman, "What God is this that is such an oppressor and so unfair to the people?" This diatribe is culminated by the most pathetic special effects yet, showing the old woman being torn asunder by camels as the henchman laughs.

The next scene is "Mohammed" lecturing his men again. "Whomever refuses to follow Islam have only two choices: pay extortion or die." Next, a cut to an older "Mohammed" commanding a laughing henchman, "Let us take the other treasure, cut off his arms and his legs, and then his head, and do it in front of his beautiful wife, Sophia." The henchman responds with glee, "As you command, master," and hastens to carry out the sentences as "Mohammed" fondles a basket of gold.

The next scene is "Mohammed" addressing the condemned man tied to a stake and suffering as his wife looks on and his repsonse: "I'd like to hear, what are the last words you'd like to say to your wife?" "Sophia, this is my will. God remembers the Jews and brings them together in the Holy Land. I hope he won't forget our bones, and I wish 'Mohammed's sons' [voice over] are given a restitution for grandfather's blood, for the rape of our women, for our children, and our riches." As his wife cries and calls his name, he says, "I'm leaving, Sophia, I'm leaving." She begs "No, No" as a henchman stabs her husband in the back. "Mohammed" seems somewhat shaken from having heard the restitution demanded of "his sons."

The second to last scene is perhaps the most risible of all, showing "Mohammed" being set upon by one of his wives for daring to lie with her servant on "her night, in her bed." She beats him about the bedchamber with a slipper as he begs her to be quiet so Aisha doesn't hear them and promises to make her father Caliph of the Muslims [voice over] if she just won't tell Aisha. This appears to be in vain as another woman, presumably aisha, enters and also starts to beat "Mohammed" with her slipper as the servant with whom he had been lying runs away. "Mohammed" flees, claiming he is "late for the battle."

In the final scene, "Mohammed" steps from his tent to gaze at stock footage of camels running through the desert, followed by him holding a sword and covered in blood, saying, [again with a voice over for "Muslim"] "Every non-Muslim is an infidel! Their lands, their women, their children are our spoils!" He slashes twice with his sword and then thrusts forward, causing flames to shoot from his sword in the only real special effects of the whole video.

The End.

— Preceding unsigned comment added by William523 (talkcontribs) 07:54, 20 February 2013‎ (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"2013-02-20T07:54:00.000Z","author":"William523","type":"comment","level":1,"id":"c-William523-2013-02-20T07:54:00.000Z-Detalied_Summary_with_Dialogue","replies":[]}}-->

__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONDESKTOP__{"headingLevel":2,"name":"h-","type":"heading","level":0,"id":"h-Semi-protected_edit_request_on_14_January_2019-2019-01-14T19:56:00.000Z","replies":["c-"],"text":"Semi-protected edit request on 14 January 2019","linkableTitle":"Semi-protected edit request on 14 January 2019"}-->

Semi-protected edit request on 14 January 2019

__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONMOBILE__{"headingLevel":2,"name":"h-","type":"heading","level":0,"id":"h-Semi-protected_edit_request_on_14_January_2019-2019-01-14T19:56:00.000Z","replies":["c-"],"text":"Semi-protected edit request on 14 January 2019","linkableTitle":"Semi-protected edit request on 14 January 2019"}-->

I would just like to change some few words so then I could take a perfect screenshot and have a full line that I need and then I will change it back to how it is now. (talk) 19:56, 14 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"2019-01-14T19:56:00.000Z","author":"","type":"comment","level":1,"id":"c-","replies":["c-Emir_of_Wikipedia-2019-01-14T20:02:00.000Z-"]}}-->

 Not done: it's not clear what changes you want to be made. Please mention the specific changes in a "change X to Y" format and provide a reliable source if appropriate. Emir of Wikipedia (talk) 20:02, 14 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__{"threadItem":{"timestamp":"2019-01-14T20:02:00.000Z","author":"Emir of Wikipedia","type":"comment","level":2,"id":"c-Emir_of_Wikipedia-2019-01-14T20:02:00.000Z-","replies":[]}}-->