Tadano Kōgyō Kōkō no Nichijō (只野工業高校の日常, lit. "Daily Lives of Tadano Technical High School") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Chisato Oga. It was originally published as a webcomic on the author's Twitter account in September 2017. A one-shot was later published in Shueisha's seinen manga magazine Ultra Jump in December 2018. It later began serialization in the same magazine in July 2019.
Written and illustrated by Chisato Oga, Tadano Kōgyō Kōkō no Nichijō was originally published as a webcomic on Oga's Twitter account on September 24, 2017.[2] A one-shot was published in Shueisha's seinen manga magazine Ultra Jump on December 19, 2018.[3] It later began serialization in the same magazine on July 19, 2019.[1] The series' chapters have been compiled into eleven tankōbon volumes as of July 2024.[4]
The series was nominated for the sixth Next Manga Awards in 2020 in the print category, and was ranked tenth out of 50 nominees.[16] The series won the grand prize at NTT Solmare's "Minna ga Erabu!! Denshi Comic Taishō 2022" competition in 2022.[17]