TNA Epics originally aired on Bravo in the United Kingdom before being broadcast in the United States. The show was announced on May 8, 2009, as a chance for UK TNA fans to see classic TNA matches and events for the first time since TNA signed with Bravo and Classic TNA shows ceased being shown on The Wrestling Channel.[citation needed] On June 26, 2009, the air time of TNA Epics on Bravo was moved from Fridays at 10 pm GMT to Saturdays at 11 pm, meaning that TNA Epics would now be shown following the UK showing of TNA Impact![4] Epics disappeared from television in the UK when the July 11, 2009, episode which was set to feature "The Best of Jeff Hardy in TNA" was taken off the television listings before being set to air.[5] The status of the show remained unknown until it was announced to be cancelled on August 2, 2009, less than three months from its inception. However, the developed episodes are still available on television in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.[6] However, Bravo showed replays of the episodes of TNA Epics at a new time of Saturdays at 8 pm, before the TNA Impact! broadcasts, and on September 26, 2009, the previously unaired episode "X-Division Insanity, Part 1" was shown.[7]
TNA Epics on Spike (2010)
On December 3, 2009, posted a video interview with TNA president Dixie Carter. She announced that a "new show", TNA Epics would debut on Spike. It was later revealed that the show would begin on January 14, 2010, and air on one Thursday per month. On February 19, 2010, it was announced that the March 18th edition of TNA Epics, featuring the X-Division was dropped from Spike's schedule.[8] But, the show was later announced to be moved to Monday Nights following iMPACT! with the dropped episode being aired on Spike following TNA iMPACT! on March 15.[9] However, the episode was once again moved to the following night, Tuesday March 16.[10] Since April 2010, the current status of the show is unknown and no further episodes have been announced.
TNA Epics on Extreme Sports Channel (2010)
On Friday November 19, 2010, TNA Epics began re-airing on Extreme Sports Channel in the UK. At this time Extreme was already home to TNA's Monthly Pay-Per Views and weekly syndicated show Xplosion. Epics aired back to back double episodes every Friday night on Extreme Sports Channel, following TNA Xplosion at 10 pm and 11 pm. The show's run on Extreme ended on December 31, 2010, when TNA's contract with Extreme Sports ended and all TNA programming moved to Challenge.[11]
Streaming services (2016)
In September 19, 2016, Impact Wrestling began airing and releasing previously aired and unaired episodes of TNA Epics on the Impact Plus and Pluto TV streaming services.[12] The series has produced 20 episodes with 7 episodes that were previously unaired until the 2016 release on the promotions streaming service.
A look back to a controversial incident in October 2003 when Jeff Jarrett travelled to Japan to attack the legendary Hulk Hogan! Includes rare footage from the brawl with Hogan as well as the fallout that enrupted involving Jimmy Hart, Rick Steiner and Sting.
A look back to some of the early World title matches in TNA, featuring:
- Raven vs. Jeff Jarrett from April 30, 2003
- A.J. Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett from Hard Justice 2005
A look back on some of the best matches in TNA from Jeff Hardy, one of wrestling's most popular superstars, featuring:
- Jeff Hardy vs. Monty Brown from the October 15, 2004, edition Impact!
- Jeff Hardy vs. Scott Hall from Final Resolution 2005
A look back at some of the most daredevil, crazy, high-flying X Division matches in TNA history, featuring:
- Jerry Lynn and Amazing Red vs. Triple X (Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper) vs. Chris Sabin and Jonny Storm vs. Jason Cross and Shark Boy from April 9, 2003
- A 22 man X Division Gauntlet for the X Division Championship from August 2004
A look back on some of Kurt Angle's greatest matches in the six-sided ring. Matches include:
- Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe from Genesis 2006
- Last Man Standing Match: Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles from Hard Justice 2008
- Kurt Angle vs Jeff Jarrett from Genesis 2009
"Sting at Bound for Glory"
February 11, 2010 (2010-02-11)
A look back on Sting's victories on TNA's biggest pay-per-view of the year. Matches include:
- Sting vs Jeff Jarrett from Bound for Glory 2006
- Sting vs Kurt Angle from Bound for Glory 2007
- Sting vs Samoa Joe from Bound for Glory 2008
"X-Division Insanity, Part 2"
March 16, 2010 (2010-03-16)
A look back at some of the most daredevil, crazy, high-flying X Division matches in TNA history. Matches include:
- Samoa Joe vs Christopher Daniels vs A.J. Styles from Unbreakable 2005
- Steel Asylum Match from Sacrifice 2008
- Ultimate X Match from Bound for Glory 2009
"The Best of Mick Foley"
April 15, 2010 (2010-04-15)
A look back on Mick Foley's greatest moments in TNA. Matches include:
- Lethal Lockdown: Sting's Warriors vs Jarrett's Army from Lockdown 2006
- Mick Foley vs Kevin Nash from Hard Justice 2009