The film begins in a village where Neelakantam, a tyrant, tramples the public. Hanumanth Dasu and his brother-in-law Rangadasu belong to a Haridasa family. Once, Neelakantam molests an orthodox Brahmin woman, Yashodamma, the wife of a Bhagavathar Acharyulu. So, Yashodamma forfeits herself as his wife and adopts Hanumathu Dasu's son, Tirumala Dasu, intending to give him a good education. After 20 years, Tirumala Dasu returns as a collector and pretends to be the sidekick of Neelakantam. According to the guidance of his father, they had a public revolution, and they succeeded in it. Parallelly, Seeta, the daughter of Rangadasu, who endears Tirumala Dasu, detests him but realizes his virtue afterward. Neelakantam ploys to squat the government lands, for which he initiates Tirumala Dasu to get them to the auction. Here, Tirumala Dasu takes bribes from different landlords and acquires the land from the villagers. Neelakhantam gets enraged and intends to destroy the village with the help of other landlords when Tirumala Dasu stops them. Being conscious of it, the villagers' onslaught on Neelakantam when Hanumath Dasu bars and pacifies them that violence is not the solution to resolve a problem. Finally, Neelakantam realizes his mistake, sheds all his weapons, and reforms to morality. Even Yashodamma reunites with her husband. At last, Hanumanth Dasu affirms that it's wiser to give the best punishment for the egregious to destroy their evil nature than eliminate them. Finally, it is proclaimed that Nonviolence is great piety.