Survivor India is an Indian reality television game show franchise based on the Swedish show Expedition Robinson created in 1997 by Charlie Parsons. It is produced by Banijay India. Subsequently, the show was syndicated internationally and available through Zee5 OTT platforms. Survivor India was originally in Hindi in 2012 and was adapted in Tamil in 2021.[1][2]
Survivor India is the Hindi and the first version of the franchise. The first season was premiered in January 2012 on Star Plus and was hosted by Sameer Kochhar. The prize money for the winner was 1 crore (US$140,000) and the location of the island was in the Caramoan islands in Philippines. In the first season, field hockey player Raj Rani won the season while actor Jamnadas Majethia emerged as the runner up.[5][6]
Survivor is the Tamil and the second version in the franchise. Banijay produced the show in 2021 with Arjun Sarja as the host on Zee Tamil.[7][8] The prize money for title winner was 1 crore (US$140,000) and the location os the island for the first season was in Zanzibar which is located in Tanzania.
The first season was premiered in September 2021.[9] In season 1, actress Vijayalakshmi Feroz won the season while actor Saran Shakthi emerged as the runner up.[10]