The show revolved around chefAristos Papandroulakis,[2] who would surprise an unwitting Coles supermarket shopper with an offer to cook dinner for them in their own home. If taken up on the offer, Papandroulakis then set himself to cook a filling meal using only the ingredients available to him from their pantry, fridge or what groceries they had bought. He also set himself a "challenge ingredient"; in one episode this involved using a bottle of Coca-Cola as a marinade.
In bookending segments, Papandroulakis was also joined by co-presenters Ian "Herbie" Hemphill and Flip Shelton, who gave tips on food preparation and meal ideas. Later, Greg Duncan Powell, Jon Fitzgerald and Ben Canaider joined the cast, giving advice on choosing wines, while Cindy Sargon replaced Shelton in season 3.