Superman: The Dark Side is the title of three-issue comic book limited series. It was published in 1998 by DC Comics as an Elseworlds title, an imprint for stories which deviate from the established continuity. The story reinterprets the Superman story, imagining what would have happened had he landed on Apokolips instead of Earth.[1]
Kal-El's rocket is diverted from Earth to Apokolips, and Superman is raised by Darkseid. Superman becomes an eager participant in the destruction of New Genesis and a willing disciple of Darkseid. Ultimately, he discovers his true origin and leads the New Gods into battle against Darkseid, freeing Apokolips.[1]
In this series, he wears black and red armor similar to that of Darkseid's son Orion. This armor has a unique Superman logo on it. It is two thunder bolt-shaped S's that form another thunder bolt-shaped S (reminiscent of the logo of the Schutzstaffel aka the SS).