On December 22, 2023, following the sixteen episode "Long-Lived Friends" ended, it was announced that Yorushika would be in charge of the second opening theme for anime series Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, titled "Sunny", alongside the song's snippet via the anime's fourth trailer.[2] The song was available digitally on January 5, 2024, the same day as the seventeenth episode "Take Care" premiere.[3] One half of Yorushika N-buna revealed on the press release that "Sunny" is about "hoping for sunny days when the weather is not sunny."[4]
Critical reception
Ryōhei Ohara from Real Sound pointed out that the lyrics of "Sunny" are more abstract than Frieren's first opening theme, "Yūsha" by Yoasobi, but evaluated it as "a song that fits closely with the anime,"[5] while Eriko Ishii surprised "the raw emotion expressed in the powerful words that come out of the chorus," and praised Suis's vocals that is "not a voice that tells a story, but a voice that is determined to convey a strong message to the listener."[6]
Music video
An accompanying animated music video for "Sunny" premiered on March 8, 2024, directed by Kohta Morie, who previously worked for several Yorushika's music videos.[7] According to the director, it was initially aimed to premiere close to the song's release date. However, Yorushika requested for compromising on the quality.[8] Inspired by Haruki Murakami's 1985 novel Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World,[8] the story depicts a child and his father living in a town surrounded by impenetrable wall, showing different weathers.[9] The special version of music video, featuring footages from the "First-Class Mage Exam" episode, was uploaded on March 29.[10]
Other uses
The rearranged version of "Sunny" was used for the SuntoryGin's Sui online commericial "Sui to Utaeba".[11]