Swampland and grassland at Sungai Clere
Waterlilies on Lake Modo Mahut
The Sungai Clere Important Bird Area , also known as the Sungai Clere Protected Wildlife Area , and in Indonesian as Hutan Metiboat , is a tract of low-lying forest and grassland in East Timor , a country occupying the eastern end of the island of Timor in the Lesser Sunda Islands of Wallacea .
The IBA comprises some 423 km2 of forests, grasslands and wetlands bordering the southern coast of the island, some 75 km south-east of the national capital, Dili , in the Manufahi District . Habitats include dry forest , Canarium dominated freshwater swamp forest and the 1000 ha freshwater Lake Modo Mahut, with extensive areas of savannah grassland converted from alluvial forest.[ 1]
The site has been identified by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area (IBA) because it supports populations of bar-necked cuckoo-doves , black cuckoo-doves , Timor green pigeons , pink-headed imperial pigeons , yellow-crested cockatoos , olive-headed lorikeets , iris lorikeets , jonquil parrots , streak-breasted honeyeaters , Timor friarbirds , black-breasted myzomelas , plain gerygones , fawn-breasted whistlers , green figbirds , olive-brown orioles , Timor stubtails , buff-banded thicketbirds , Timor leaf warblers , orange-sided thrushes , white-bellied bush chats , black-banded flycatchers , Timor blue flycatchers , blue-cheeked flowerpeckers , flame-breasted sunbirds , tricoloured parrotfinches and Timor sparrows .[ 1]
See also
^ a b "Sungai Clere" . Important Bird Areas factsheet . BirdLife International. 2014. Retrieved 2014-03-26 .
09°04′00″S 125°58′00″E / 9.06667°S 125.96667°E / -9.06667; 125.96667