A version of the Sunburst flag which incorporates the Starry Plough flag as well as a Pike, associated with the United Irishmen. The flag may have been used by the 26th Battalion of the National Army.[2]
The sunburst flag's design is inspired by the Fianna of Irish mythology. Described as brave warriors who performed a large number of impressive feats, the Fianna referred to themselves as either Gal Gréine or Scal Ghréine, which both mean sunburst.[5]
The earliest confirmed use of the sunburst flag is found in the 18th century as the guidon of the County Sligo Light Horse. The motto was as Post nubila Phoebus ("After the clouds Sun") symbolizing a new day.[6]
The sunburst flag, and the symbol of the sunburst itself came into more common use by Irish nationalists during the 19th century. In 1858, the Irish Republican Brotherhood adopted the flag as their symbol. During the American Civil War, the sunburst motif was incorporated by several Irish regiments in their standards. In 1893 the Irish-language group called Conradh na Gaeilge established themselves, using the flag as the group's symbol in reference to the Fianna.[7]
During January of 1861 a group of French Zouaves were visiting Cork and they were given a banner by the local Nationalists. On the banner was a representation of the sunburst flag between the Stars and Stripes and French tricolor.[8]