Summertime is an Italian drama television series produced by Cattleya that premiered on Netflix on 29 April 2020. The series stars Rebecca Coco Edogamhe, Ludovico Tersigni, and Amanda Campana. It takes place at a small town on the Adriatic coast, Cesenatico, and revolves around Summer (Rebecca Coco Edogamhe) and her love life. It is inspired by Three Meters Above the Sky by Federico Moccia. After the premiere of the first season, Netflix renewed the series for a second season. In 2021, Netflix reported that Summertime was renewed for a third and final season.
In the town of Cesenatico, Summer and Ale are two people with opposite lifestyles. Summer is a very introverted young woman; she hates the summer and decides to find a job at The Grand Hotel Cesenatico to financially support her mother as her jazz musician father has left for the summer to work abroad. Summer has two best friends, Sofia and Edo, and a younger sister named Blue. Ale is a young man originally from Rome who is a famous motorcyclist. He has taken a break from competing with his racing team for the summer after a dangerous racing accident nearly kills him. His father is his greatest supporter and wants him to go back to racing once the summer is over; however, Ale has lost his interest in racing. Ale's mother, Laura, is the manager of the hotel where Summer works. Ale falls in love with Summer and tries to woo her.
Enrico Audenino, Mirko Cetrangolo, Francesco Lagi & Anita Rivaroli
29 April 2020 (2020-04-29)
"Just You & I"
Lorenzo Sportiello
Enrico Audedino, Mirko Cetrangolo, Francesco Lagi & Anita Rivaroli
29 April 2020 (2020-04-29)
"A Moment at Night"
Lorenzo Sportiello
Story by : Sofia Assirelli, Enrico Audenino, Mirko Cetrangolo, Francesco Lagi & Anita Rivaroli Teleplay by : Sofia Assirelli, Enrico Audenino & Francesco Lagi
29 April 2020 (2020-04-29)
"A Glimpse of Peace"
Lorenzo Sportiello
Story by : Enrico Audenino, Mirko Cetrangolo, Daniela Delle Foglie, Francesco Lagi & Anita Rivaroli Teleplay by : Enrico Audenino, Daniela Delle Foglie & Francesco Lagi
29 April 2020 (2020-04-29)
"Without You"
Francesco Lagi
Story by : Sofia Assirelli, Enrico Audenino, Mirko Cetrangolo, Francesco Lagi & Anita Rivaroli Teleplay by : Enrico Audenino, Daniela Gambaro & Francesco Lagi
29 April 2020 (2020-04-29)
"Those Who Remain"
Francesco Lagi
Story by : Enrico Audenino, Mirko Cetrangolo, Daniela Delle Foglie, Francesco Lagi & Anita Rivaroli Teleplay by : Enrico Audenino, Francesco Lagi & Vanessa Picciarelli
29 April 2020 (2020-04-29)
"Don't You Cry"
Francesco Lagi
Story by : Enrico Audenino, Mirko Cetrangolo, Francesco Lagi & Anita Rivaroli Teleplay by : Enrico Audenino, Daniela Gambaro & Francesco Lagi
29 April 2020 (2020-04-29)
"Another Winter"
Francesco Lagi
Story by : Enrico Audenino, Mirko Cetrangolo, Francesco Lagi & Anita Rivaroli Teleplay by : Enrico Audenino, Francesco Lagi & Vanessa Picciarelli
The filming of the series began in Marina di Ravenna, moved to Cesenatico, and ended in Rome.[4] Filming from the first season was finished on 5 September 2019.[5][6]
The first trailer was released on 8 April 2020 in Italian.[8] The English trailer was released a week later on 15 April.[9] The full first season of Summertime was released on 29 April 2020 on Netflix.[10][11]
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