Subha Varier is an Indian space engineer. She has specialised in the video systems used on Indian satellite launches. In 2017 she received the Nari Shakti Puraskar, India's highest award for women after the record release of 104 satellites in one launch.
The PSLV C37 space mission[3] was intended to place 104 satellites in Sun-synchronous orbits on February 15, 2017.[4] The satellites belonged to six different nations and it was important that not only did each satellite launch without touching another, but that there was proof that this had happened. Video of the release needed to be convincing and Varier was given the task.[2] The launch was successful and it was recorded by eight different cameras. The resulting video was then processed, compressed and sent back to earth. The video was decoded and played in real time as the satellites were released. Afterwards the video was viewed the files were then sent to a VSSC web repository.[2]