A subependymoma is a type of brain tumor; specifically, it is a rare form of ependymal tumor.[1] They are usually in middle aged people. Earlier, they were called subependymal astrocytomas.[2]
The prognosis for a subependymoma is better than for most ependymal tumors,[3] and it is considered a grade I tumor in the World Health Organization (WHO) classification.
They are classically found within the fourth ventricle, typically have a well demarcated interface to normal tissue and do not usually extend into the brain parenchyma, like ependymomas often do.[4]
Symptoms and signs
Patients are often asymptomatic, and are incidentally diagnosed. Larger tumours are often with increased intracranial pressure.[2]
These tumours are small, no more than two centimeters across, coming from the ependyma. The best way to distinguish it from a subependymal giant cell astrocytoma is the size.[2]
The diagnosis is based on tissue, e.g. a biopsy. Histologically subependymomas consistent of microcystic spaces and bland appearing cells without appreciable nuclear atypia or mitoses. The nuclei tend to form clusters.[citation needed]
On a CT, it often shows a less dense to equally dense mass. If it is big, it may have parts that are cystic or calcific.[2] In 50-60% of cases, the tumor is in the fourth ventricle, while the second most common (30-40% of cases) location is the side ventricles. It is rare for it to be in the third ventricle or the central canal of the spinal cord.[2]
Asymptomatic cases may only need watchful waiting. If symptomatic, it can be surgically removed, and partial removal also carries an excellent prognosis.[2]