Strong Enough to Break is a documentary film directed and written by Ashley Greyson. It follows Hanson, an American pop band from Tulsa, Oklahoma, formed in 1992 by three brothers: Taylor Hanson, Zac Hanson, and Isaac Hanson. The documentary covers the band's 40-month struggle to record and release their third studio album Underneath, and the creation of their independent record label, 3CG Records.
The group formed 3CG, an acronym for "3 Car Garage", in October 2003 and released their album Underneath in 2004 through the 3CG Records label. The documentary of this effort was shown at college campuses around the United States during the band's 2005 tour and the 10th Annual Hollywood Film Festival in 2006. The documentary was nominated for Best Documentary. The Strong Enough to Break DVD/CD was later issued via their official store.
Strong Enough to Break follows Grammy-nominated-nominated music group Hanson and their three-year struggle with their record label, Island/Def Jam. In the aftermath of corporate mergers, deregulated radio, and an uncertain future, the band is faced with the challenge of making a new album while dealing with an endless array of obstacles in the music industry.