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Kedutaan Besar Tiongkok, JakartaKoordinat6°13′32″S 106°49′32″E / 6.22556°S 106.82556°E / -6.22556; 106.82556Koordinat: 6°13′32″S 106°49′32″E / 6.22556°S 106.82556°E / -6.22556; 106.82556LokasiJakarta SelatanAlamatJl. Mega Kuningan No. 2Duta BesarXiao Qian[1]Situs Kedutaan Besar Tiongkok di Jakarta merupakan perwakilan diplomatik Republik Rakyat Tiongkok di Indonesia yang terletak di kawasan...

حرب الاستقلال الإيطالية الأولى جزء من حروب توحيد إيطاليا معركة نوفارا 1849 معلومات عامة التاريخ 23 مارس 1848 – 24 مارس 1849 الموقع لومبارديا فينيشيا وبييمونتي النتيجة نصر نمساوي تغييراتحدودية لا تغيير المتحاربون مملكة سردينيا دوقية توسكانا الكبرىبتحالف مؤقت مع: الدولة البابوي�...

West Virginia affiliate of the Republican Party West Virginia Republican Party ChairpersonMatthew HerridgeGovernorJim JusticeSenate PresidentCraig BlairSpeakerRoger HanshawHeadquartersPO Box 2711Charleston, WV 25330Membership (2023) 456,885[1]IdeologyConservatismNational affiliationRepublican PartyColors RedSeats in the U.S. Senate1 / 2 Seats in the U.S. House2 / 2 Statewide executive offices6 / 6 Seats in the West Virginia Senate31 / 34 Seats in the West Virginia House of Deleg...

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Questa voce sull'argomento stagioni delle società calcistiche italiane è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Voce principale: Unione Sportiva Rovereto. Unione Sportiva RoveretoStagione 1951-1952Sport calcio Squadra Rovereto Allenatore Sandro Puppo Presidente(Consiglio di Presidenza) Riccardo Bettini Angelo Granetto Gino Martini Serie C17º posto nel girone B. Retrocesso in IV Serie. 195...

Historical site in Gallipoli, Turkey This article includes a list of general references, but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. (August 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Azmak Cemetery, Gallipoli Peninsula The Gallipoli Peninsula Historical Site covers over 33,000 hectares in Gallipoli, Turkey.[1] The park was established in 1973 by the Turkish government and is include...

У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Петропавловка. СелоПетропавловка 51°00′15″ с. ш. 39°11′55″ в. д.HGЯO Страна Россия Субъект Федерации Воронежская область Муниципальный район Лискинский Сельское поселение Петропавловское История и география Час...

Monterosicomune Monterosi – Veduta LocalizzazioneStato Italia Regione Lazio Provincia Viterbo AmministrazioneSindacoSandro Giglietti (lista civica) dal 26-5-2014 (2º mandato dal 27-5-2019) TerritorioCoordinate42°11′48″N 12°18′33″E / 42.196667°N 12.309167°E42.196667; 12.309167 (Monterosi)Coordinate: 42°11′48″N 12°18′33″E / 42.196667°N 12.309167°E42.196667; 12.309167 (Monterosi) Altitudine276 ...

弗雷德里克·齊盧巴Frederick Chiluba第2任赞比亚总统任期1991年11月2日—2002年1月2日副职利维·姆瓦纳瓦萨前任肯尼思·卡翁达继任利维·姆瓦纳瓦萨 个人资料出生(1943-04-30)1943年4月30日北罗得西亚基特韦逝世2011年6月18日(2011歲—06—18)(68歲) 尚比亞卢萨卡(Lusaka)墓地 尚比亞卢萨卡使館公園總統陵園(英语:Embassy Park Presidential Burial)国籍赞比亚政党多黨民主運動(MMD)...

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Coat of Arms of the Holy See. This page is a list of popes by country of origin. They are listed in chronological order within each section. As the office of pope has existed for almost two millennia, many of the countries of origin of popes no longer exist, and so they are grouped under their modern equivalents. Overview There have been 266 popes: 217 from Italy 16 from France (Pope Sylvester II, Pope Stephen IX, Pope Nicholas II, Pope Urban II, Pope Callistus II, Pope Urban IV, Pope Clemen...

أرنولد بيكمان (بالإنجليزية: Arnold Orville Beckman) معلومات شخصية الميلاد 10 أبريل 1900(1900-04-10)[1]كولوم، إلينوي، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية الوفاة 18 مايو 2004 (104 سنة) [1]لاهويا، كاليفورنيا، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية الجنسية الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية عضو في الأكاديمية الأم�...

Peta infrastruktur dan tata guna lahan di Komune Gendreville. = Kawasan perkotaan = Lahan subur = Padang rumput = Lahan pertanaman campuran = Hutan = Vegetasi perdu = Lahan basah = Anak sungaiGendreville merupakan sebuah komune di departemen Vosges yang terletak pada sebelah timur laut Prancis. Lihat pula Komune di departemen Vosges Referensi Pranala luar INSEE Diarsipkan 2007-11-24 di Wayback Machine. lbsKomune di departemen Vosges Les Ableuven...

جائحة فيروس كورونا في العراق الحالات المؤكدة 1~999 الحالات المؤكدة 1,000~9,999 الحالات المؤكدة 10,000~49,999 الحالات المؤكدة 50,000~99,999 الحالات المؤكدة 100,000~199,999 الحالات المؤكدة ≥200,000 المرض مرض فيروس كورونا 2019 السلالة فيروس كورونا 2 المرتبط بالم...

PilotEpisode The X-FilesNomor episodeMusim 1Episode 1SutradaraRobert MandelPenulisChris CarterKode produksi1X79Tanggal siar10 September 1993Durasi48 menitBintang tamu Charles Cioffi sebagai Scott Blevins Cliff DeYoung sebagai Dr. Jay Nemman Sarah Koskoff sebagai Theresa Nemman Leon Russom sebagai Detektif Miles Zachary Ansley sebagai Billy Miles William B. Davis sebagai The Smoking Man Kronologi episode ← Sebelumnya— Selanjutnya →Deep Throat Pilot (The X-Files) adalah...

Voce principale: Victoria Libertas Pallacanestro. U.S. Victoria Libertas PallacanestroStagione 2008-2009Sport pallacanestro Squadra V.L. Pesaro Allenatore Stefano Sacripanti Assistente Giacomo Baioni Serie A8º (14-16) Play-offQuarti di finale Coppa Italianon qualificata Maggiori presenzeCampionato: Akindele, Curry, Hicks, Shaw (33)Totale: Akindele, Curry, Hicks, Shaw (33) Miglior marcatoreCampionato: Hicks (602)Totale: Hicks (602) 2007-2008 2009-2010 Questa voce raccoglie le informazio...

ClarklocalitàLocalizzazioneStato Stati Uniti Stato federato California ConteaInyo TerritorioCoordinate36°35′N 117°25′W36°35′N, 117°25′W (Clark) Abitanti0 Altre informazioniFuso orarioUTC-8 CartografiaClark Modifica dati su Wikidata · Manuale Clark era un insediamento nella contea di Inyo in California. Si trovava a sud di Furnace.[1] Note ^ Durham, David L. (1998). California's Geographic Names: A Gazetteer of Historic and Modern Names of the State. Quil...

Prunet-et-Belpuig Chapelle de la Trinité Administration Pays France Région Occitanie Département Pyrénées-Orientales Arrondissement Prades Intercommunalité Communauté de communes de Roussillon Conflent Maire Mandat Benoît Bonacaze 2020-2026 Code postal 66130 Code commune 66153 Démographie Populationmunicipale 47 hab. (2021 ) Densité 2,2 hab./km2 Géographie Coordonnées 42° 33′ 46″ nord, 2° 37′ 32″ est Altitude Min. 353 mMax. 8...

Cet article est une ébauche concernant le patinage artistique. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Kyoko InaKyoko Ina et John Zimmerman en 2001BiographieNaissance 11 octobre 1972 (51 ans)Tokyo (d)Nom dans la langue maternelle 伊奈 恭子Nationalités japonaiseaméricaineActivités Patineuse artistique, entraîneuse de patinage artistiqueAutres informationsTaille 1,52 mPoids 42 kgSport Patinag...

Comune in Lombardy, ItalySan Benedetto Po San Banadèt (Emilian)ComuneComune di San Benedetto Po Coat of armsLocation of San Benedetto Po San Benedetto PoLocation of San Benedetto Po in ItalyShow map of ItalySan Benedetto PoSan Benedetto Po (Lombardy)Show map of LombardyCoordinates: 45°2′N 10°55′E / 45.033°N 10.917°E / 45.033; 10.917CountryItalyRegionLombardyProvinceMantua (MN)FrazioniBardelle Camatta, Brede, Mirasole, Portiolo, San Siro, ZovoGovernment...