Stefan Ritt is a German physicist and head of the muon physics group[1] at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Aargau, Switzerland. He is member of the MEG experiment and co-spokesperson of the Mu3e experiment. He is best known for the development of the DRS4 Switched Capacitor Array Chip,[2] as primary author of the MIDAS Data Acquisition System and as author of the ELOG Electronic Logbook. He is co-author of two patents related to Switched Capacitor Array Circuits and their calibration.
In addition Ritt is an active member of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society,[3] where he is a Distinguished Lecturer[4] and was Society President 2017-2018.[5]
- IEEE Emilio Gatti Radiation Instrumentation Technical Achievement Award[7] in 2020 for contributions to the development and democratization of ultra-high-speed digitizers.
- IEEE NPSS Richard F. Shea Distinguished Member Award For his innovative leadership as the President of the NPSS and an organizer and instructor at NPSS Summer Schools and as a world-leading expert in the field of ultra-fast data acquisition. [8]