The ensemble was conceived and formed during the pandemic lockdown of 2020, meeting via Zoom.[1] The group explains the original of its name as follows:
Starling Arrow was born after learning more about the starling, an iridescent songbird known for its cooperation with its fellow birds to create beautiful murmuration patterns in the sky. Arrow speaks to the aim all 5 artists have together as songbirds, to create a song from collaborative inspiration and have it land in a place of unique beauty. Starling Arrow is meant to convey "The song sent with aim from the bow of the muse."[3]
The ensemble released its first single, "Wild Sweet", written by Ayla Nereo, in October 2022.[2] The song received a positive review from Ear to the Ground.[4] A second single, "Into the River", written by Chloe Smith, was released in November 2022. Randy Radic, writing for Guitar Girl, described the song as "brilliant".[5]
The ensemble released its third single, "By the Jordan", written by Tina Malia, in December 2022.[6]
A fourth single, "Fly Away", written by Marya Stark, was released in January 2023, as was a fifth single, "Oh Darlin'", written by Leah Song.[citation needed]
The group released their first album, Cradle, on February 16, 2023,[citation needed] produced and engineered by Tina Malia.[3]