The show featured fourteen Cinderella Tournament matches and a dark match with scripted storylines, where wrestlers portray villains, heroes, or less distinguishable characters in the scripted events that built tension and culminate in a wrestling match or series of matches.[3] The matches can be won by pinfall, submission or elimination over the top rope. A time-limit draw or a double elimination means a loss for each competitor.
The preshow included a dark match in which Hanan and Saya Iida defeated Hina and Leo Onozaki, and Rina and Ruaka in a three-way tag team match. The Cinderella Tournament had one draw between Kagetsu and Nakano who went into the 10-minute time limit which handed Arisa Hoshiki a walkover victory straight to the semi-finals. Hoshiki succeeded in winning the tournament with her granted wish being a match for the Wonder of Stardom Championship against the then-time champion Momo Watanabe.[4][5] Hoshiki won the "white belt" at Stardom Gold 2019 on May 16.[6]
The tournament was composed by 16 competitors including the champions. It was the last event to conclude in a single day.[7][8]
*Noted underneath were the champions who held their titles at the time of the tournament.