Stanisław Marian Kutrzeba (1876–1946) was a Polish historian and politician who was Professor of the Jagiellonian University from 1908, and then until the end of his life the Chair of Studies in Polish law. He was chair of the Law Department (1913/1914, 1920/1921), university's rector (1932/33), General Secretary of Polish Academy of Learning (1926–39) and its president (1939–1946). He was one of many professors of Jagiellonian University arrested by Nazis during Sonderaktion Krakau in 1939. After being freed in 1940, he took part in the underground education. In 1945, he was deputy to the State National Council.
Stanisław Kutrzeba spent his youth in Kraków, where he finished his education, obtaining a doctorate in law from the Jagiellonian University in 1898; he also studied abroad (in Paris) and in 1902 he obtained a habilitation. His career was closely connected to the university where he obtained his doctorate: he became a professor of the Jagiellonian University in 1908 and from then until the end of his life was the Chair of Studies in Polish law. Chair of the Law Department (1913/1914, 1920/1921), he also held the post of university's rector (1932/33).
He received decorations including the Commander's Cross and Commander's Cross with Star of Polonia Restituta (1930) and the Officer's Cross of the Légion d'honneur.
Kutrzeba works in the area of history were centered on the history of Polish law, the history of Poland from the 14th to 18th centuries and the history of Kraków. He published over 400 various academic works. He was also involved in the publishing of the Polish Biographical Dictionary. His Historia źródeł dawnego prawa polskiego (1925–1926) was reviewed by his former student, another contemporary Polish historian of law and professor of Jagiellonian University, Adam Vetulani, as "the most important support work for historical sciences, created in the interwar period."
Selected works:
Przyczynek do dyplomatyki polskiej w XIII wieku (1895)
Finanse Krakowa w wiekach średnich (1899)
Historya rodziny Wierzynków (1899)
Podwody miast polskich do roku 1564 (1900)
Stosunki prawne Żydów w Polsce w XV stuleciu (1901)
Studya do historii sądownictwa w Polsce (1901–1903)
Handel Krakowa w wiekach średnich na tle stosunków handlowych Polski (1902)
Taryfy celne i polityka celna w Polsce od XIII do XV wieku (1902)
Urzędy koronne i nadworne w Polsce, ich początki i rozwój do roku 1504 (1903)
Dawny zarząd Wawelu (1906)
Skład sejmu polskiego, 1493-1793 (1906)
Mężobójstwo w prawie polskiem XIV i XV wieku (1907)
Franciszek Piekosiński jako historyk prawa polskiego (1908)
Przyczynki do teoryi runicznej (1909)
Kilka słów o metrykach kościelnych w Polsce (1910)
Unia Polski z Litwą. Problem i metoda badania (1911)
Sprawa polska w Królestwie Polskim 1815-1915 (1916)
Sprawa żydowska w Polsce (1918)
Dawne polskie prawo sądowe (1921, 2 tomy)
Polska Odrodzona (1921)
Sejm Walny dawnej Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (1922)
Polskie prawo polityczne według traktatów (1923, 2 części)
Biogramy uczonych polskich (Biographies of Polish Scholars), Część I: Nauki społeczne (Part I: Social Sciences), zeszyt 2: K-O (fascicle 2: K–O) (pod redakcją Andrzeja Śródki i Pawła Szczawińskiego [edited by Andrzej Śródka and Paweł Szczawiński), Wrocław, Ossolineum, 1984.