He is an independent journalist, a free-lance writer, and a contributor to CounterPunch. His first book, Nova, was selected for the National Poetry Series in 1999 and published by Sun and Moon Books. His second book, Water & Power, was published by Agincourt Books. His poetry and criticism have appeared in several U.S. anthologies, and two international ones.[citation needed]
His work appears in Boston Review, The New Review of Literature, The Washington Review, Aufgabe, Interim, Fence, Rain Taxi, New American Writing, Fence, Non, Ribot, X-Connect, Epoch, and Rosebud. He co-edited the literary journals Rhizome with Evan Calbi and Ribot with Paul Vangelisti. He is the non-fiction editor of The New Review of Literature.[citation needed]
He and his wife live in Portland, Oregon, where he is working on a master's degree in Media Studies.[1]