The judging panel consisted of Shahram Azar (Sandy), Hamed Nikpay, Babak Saeedi and Reza Rohani. The show was hosted by Raha Etemadi in 2 seasons. In addition, Stage has brought in several famous musical guest stars to perform live on the show, including Aref, Afshin,[1]Sepideh,[2] Ava Bahram[3] and Shahab Tiam.[4]
The winners were chosen by people's votes in Manoto application and receive a $50.000 prize.[5] The winners of season 1 and 2 were respectively Amirhossein Eftekhari from Hamed Nikpay's group and Alireza Saremi from Reza Rouhani's group.[6]
Stage Xtra
Stage Xtra was aired every Friday during the second season. It showed behind the scenes, absent voices, and events of the stage show.