The film begins with a brief life of Gautama Buddha, Ramanuja, Adi Shankara & Vemana. Next, it shifts to Sri Madvirat Potuluri Veerabrahmam Swamy, a futurist whose parents, Paripurnacharya & Prakrutamba die in a flash of his birth. After this, a couple, Veerabhojacharya & Veerapapamamba adopts him. At the age of 10, his foster father also passes away when he quits his mother. Before leaving, he teaches her the secret of life, the delivery process, and the completion of their debt. Years roll by, and Veerabrahmam, as a wanderer, reaches a town, Banaganapalli, and turns into a cowherd at Achamma. Day to day, he keeps his stick as a protector when the palm tree bows its head down to befit as a source for him. On the benefit of the doubt, Achamma is behind him. Hither, she spots Veerabrahmam sculpting his scripture "Kaalagnynam," which proclaims how the country will be after 5000 years of "Kaliyuga." The destruction of the caste system, British Empire occupying the country, the birth of Mahatma Gandhi and relieving from slavery, and the existence of the modern woman.
Consequently, he buries his scripture, covers it with a tamarind plant, and says that at the end of "Kaliyuga," it will shower blood and flourish yellow flowers when he arrives as Veera Bhoga Vasanta Rayalu to establish righteousness. Next, Veerabrahmam continues his journey and lands at a new location, molding himself as a blacksmith. Soon, he constructs a house and conducts almsgiving every day beyond castes. Further, he nuptials a benevolent Govindamma and is blessed with progeny. It begrudges a few sly men, Karanam & Munasab, of the village and fires his house. Plus, they command them to perform worship & processions in the name of God and order Veerabrahmam to model the chariot in one night. He does so with his spiritual power, which punishes the evil who comes to an understandable state by Veerabrahmam's magnanimous.
Besides, Sayyad, an ambitious Muslim guy, endears his maternal uncle's daughter, Raziya, and the elders decide to knit them. At that point, he is perplexed by witnessing several disabled people and is desperate. Forthwith, he gets enlightenment from Veerabrahmam to know the meaning of life. Then, Sayyad proceeds to him forsaking all, and Veerabrahmam receives him as a disciple, titling him Siddha. Sensing it, Sayyad's uncle complicates the Muslim ruler against Veerabrahmam, and he organizes a judicial inquiry. Sayyad announces that devotion has no boundaries, which merges with universal love. Subsequently, he triumphs in onerous tasks when amazed Nawab invites Veerabrahmam. In what respect, he forecasts a diverse newfangled, i.e., occurrence of so-called saints, unions in all fields & strikes for a trifle, currency dominating the world, dirty politics, atrocities going to happen in modern society, destruction of temples, division of Pakistan and clashes at Kashmir—moreover, the formation of dams, trains, aircraft, current, radio, television, etc.
Later, Veerabrahmam moves forward with Siddha when the various aristocracy mocks him, and he locks him by showing his marvel. All along the line, Siddha stands as his top pupil. Parallelly, Veerabrahmam forgoes his preachings viz drowning of Hyderabad, draughts, tsunami effects, communism, gold rate hikes, a 6-year-old girl giving birth to a boy, actors transforming into elders, etc. He also provides knowledge of "Kundalini" and the seven wheels in the human body before scheduled caste people "Harijans." Presently, Veerabrahmam affirms to take salvation "Sajeeva Samadhi," i.e., buried alive. Here, he tests Siddha's adoration by entrusting him to get flowers for his prayer from Banaganapalli on one impossible night. Nevertheless, Siddha won it with allegiance. By the time he backs, Veerabrahmam takes salvation when Siddha woes before his burial. At last, Veerabrahmam spells to Siddha by declaring him his heir and asking him to continue his mission by getting espoused. He will obtain salvation by reincarnation as "Bala Yogi" and endorses him with his shoes, & personal effects for the memories of his outstanding service. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note.
This movie was a blockbuster hit and was the first Telugu film to gross over ₹1 crore in its first week. It grossed ₹6.6 crore in its full run and ran for 300 days in Hyderabad.