The House of Assembly of Kiribati has a Speaker, a function adapted from the BritishWestminster model. The position was established in 1979 by article 71 of the Constitution, when the country became independent from the United Kingdom. It replaced the Speaker of the former House of Representatives existing since 1967, then known as Legislative Council in 1970 and House of Assembly since 1974.[1]
Article 71 states that the Speaker "shall be elected by the members of the Maneaba [House of Assembly] from among persons who are not members of the Maneaba". His or her function is to "preside at each sitting of the Maneaba" (art.72).
The website of the House of Assembly indicates that his "decision on a point of order is final. He is fully entitled to regulate the conduct of business in all matters not provided in the Rules of Procedure. He has the specific power to decide whether a bill or a motion pertains to money matters, which then requires a minister's signification. He may adjourn a sitting if there is no quorum after an objection is raised by a member".[2]