"Soy Así" was written and produced by Rafael Pérez-Botija, who worked previously with José José on the albums Volcán (1978),[3]Si Me Dejas Ahora (1979),[4]Amor, Amor (1980),[5]Gracias (1981),[6]Mi Vida (1982),[7]Reflexiones (1984),[8] and Promesas (1985).[9] José José told magazine Selecciones that during 1985 to 1987, he had a personal crisis because "my life was going on airplanes, trucks, locked in a hotel room."[10] His daughter was born in 1982 and that more or less balanced his marriage, but after a while he divorced his then wife.[10] In the same year, he also finished his work relation with his manager, who also was his brother in law.[10] During this events, and his on-going battle with alcoholism, José José recorded his album Soy Así.[10]
"Soy Así" has been recorded by several performers, including Valentín Elizalde who released it as a single from his album of the same title in 2005, peaking at number 28 in the Billboard Latin Regional Mexican Airplay.[14]Elefante, Juan Garza, Banda Horoscopos and Alamenos de la Sierra also recorded their own version of the track.[15]