Third National Art Exhibition "Soviet Russia" (Moscow, 1967) (Russian: Третья Республиканская художественная выставка "Советская Россия" 1967 года) became a main national art event of 1967, as well as one of the largest Soviet art exhibitions of the 1960s. The exhibition took place in Manezh Exhibition Hall.
History and organization
The exhibition opened on 20 September 1967 in Moscow Manege. Organization and preparation of the Second National Art Exhibition "Soviet Russia" engaged a specially formed Exhibition Committee in the amount of 83 most authoritative experts in the field of fine arts under head of Vladimir Serov. It published a catalog of the exhibition.[1] In total, the Exhibition displayed over 2,000 works of art of painters, sculptors, graphics, masters of arts and crafts, artists of theater and cinema. Many of art works have been purchased for the largest Soviet art museums, including the Russian Museum, the Tretyakov Gallery, and others. After the Exhibition in Moscow there were organized traveling exhibitions, which have been shown in major cities of the Russian Federation.
In the Department of Graphic were exhibited 840 art works by most prominent graphic artists of the Russian Federation.[6]
Contributed artworks
For display at the Exhibition were selected art works created in 1966-1967, as well as some earlier works. Many of them were previously shown at the city and regional Art Exhibitions and were subsequently found in the collections of Soviet Art museums, as well as domestic and foreign galleries and collectors.
Still life paintings was represented by the works of "Roses", "Rose and Fruits" by Vladimir Gremytskikh, "Spring flowers", "Lilies of the valley", "A Rose" by Dmitry Mitrohin, "Cucumbers", "Russian edibles" by Genrikh Pavlovsky, "Still life with fish", "Still life with apples" by Vasily Sokolov, "Bratina and garlic" by Vladimir Stozharov, "Flowers of May" by Elena Tabakova, "Still life under the apple tree" by Victor Teterin, and some others.[11]
Third National Art Exhibition "Soviet Russia" were widely covered in the press[12][13] and literature on Soviet fine art.[14][15][16][17][18]
Аникушин М. О времени и о себе // Вечерний Ленинград, 1967, 17 октября.
Справочник членов Ленинградской организации Союза художников РСФСР. Л., Художник РСФСР, 1980.
Художники народов СССР. Биобиблиографический словарь. Т.1-4. М., Искусство, 1970-1995.
Справочник членов Союза художников СССР. Том 1,2. М., Советский художник, 1979.
А. Каганович. Андрей Андреевич Мыльников. Л., Художник РСФСР, 1980, 86-87.
Леняшин В. А. Художников друг и советник. Современная живопись и проблемы критики. Л., Художник РСФСР, 1985. С.60.
Дмитренко А. Зональные (региональные) и республиканские выставки в художественной жизни России 1960-1980-х годов // Время перемен. Искусство 1960—1985 в Советском Союзе. СПб., Государственный Русский музей, 2006. С.31-33. ISBN5-93332-199-0.
Time for Change. The Art of 1960-1985 in the Soviet Union. Saint Petersburg, State Russian Museum, 2006. P.376.
Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg: NP-Print Edition, 2007. P.395. ISBN5-901724-21-6, ISBN978-5-901724-21-7
Юбилейный Справочник выпускников Санкт-Петербургского академического института живописи, скульптуры и архитектуры имени И. Е. Репина Российской Академии художеств. 1915—2005. СПб., «Первоцвет», 2007.