Soul Control is a German musical duo consisting of Thomas "Tom" Quella (born 1970 in Berlin) and Leonard "Leo" Buck (born 1979 in Sierra Leone). They are best known for their 2004 single "Chocolate (Choco Choco)".
They gained fame through their 2004 single "Chocolate (Choco Choco)", which was placed in the top five of the charts in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and was released in over 40 countries. Tom and Leo met at a concert by Leo's band Moddeling Throu in 1999.[1] Together with Bruce Hammond produced both the song Chocolate and the following album Here We Go.[2] In 2004 they were Part of the Toggo tour.
In 2007 they worked with Gerald Anderson for the song "Don't Play with Your Noodle (La La La)". This was also released on the album Gerald's Noodle Dance . A similar thing happened with the song "So Sexy". This time they worked together with Marian Rivera.