Solo für Sudmann
Solo für Sudmann (English title: Solo for Sudmann) is a German crime drama television series that premiered on 23 January 1997 on ZDF. The show, which consists of one season in twelve episodes, is the first offshoot of SOKO München, launched in 1978 under the name SOKO 5113. SynopsisAfter chief inspector Jürgen Sudmann—former investigator at SOKO 5113—retires, he opens a private detective agency in Munich. Together with his assistant, Susanne Wegener, he solves cases in an unconventional way. Some of his former colleagues from the special commission (SOKO) make guest appearances, including chief inspector Horst Schickl, inspectors Lizzy Berger and Manfred "Manne" Brand, and detective Theodor "Theo" Renner. Cast and characters
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