Small World is a 1988 British televisionminiseries based on David Lodge's 1984 novelSmall World: An Academic Romance. Structured as six one-hour episodes, its producer was Steve Hawes, and its director was Robert Chetwyn.[1] Howard Schuman wrote the screenplay, in consultation with Lodge.[2] The titles of the six episodes are:
Part 1 - 'April Is the Cruellest Month'
Part 2 - 'The Lady of Situations'
Part 3 - 'Unreal Cities'
Part 4 - 'What Shall We Do Tomorrow?'
Part 5 - 'Throbbing and Waiting'
Part 6 - 'Hurry up Please, It's Time'
Each episode opens with Persse McGarrigle speaking into a tape recorder at the underground chapel at Heathrow Airport, for communication to his mentor Professor McCreedy. Stuart Laing has described various changes and simplifications in the transition of the novel to the TV series.[3]