The Sind–Sagar Railway was originally constructed as a Metre Gauge railway line from Lala Musa to Malakwal, Pakistan. In 1886 the Sind–Sagar Railway was amalgamated with other railways to form the North Western State Railway and railway line from was converted to broad gauge.[1] The Chak Nizam Bridge, also known as Victoria Bridge, was completed in early 1887 over the Jhelum river in Shahpur District and connected Jhelum to Lahore. The NWR Sind-Sagar Branch Line was the new name for the line and continued to be extended with branch lines and designated as part of the 'Frontier Section - Military Line'.[1]
The Gharibwal Cement Works Railway opened in May 1886 as a 27 kilometres (17 mi) 1,676 mm (5 ft 6 in) railway from Haranpur Junction to Gharibwal. It was built to serve the Gharibwal quarry.[2]
No staff records are available at the British LibraryIOR. The following personnel have been identified from various sources as being posted to this railway:
Frederick Robert Upcott, was Engineer-in-Charge of the Chak-Nizam Bridge as part of the Sind–Sagar Railway that was completed in 1887.[5] The account also adds Mr Boydell, Executive Engineer and Mr J Spence, Sub-Engineer
The spelling of Scinde, Punjaub & Delhi Railway is variable. Scinde and Punjaub are the spellings adopted in the legislation - see "Government Statute Law Repeals 2012" pages 134-135, paragraphs 3.78-3.83.[8]