Privately held company
Simply (formerly JoyTunes) is a privately held company developing software that teaches creative hobbies, from playing music to drawing and more. The company started out creating mobile apps that teach learners around the world how to play musical instruments, initially the piano and recorder and later branching out to other instruments such as guitar[1] with an interactive note recognition engine called MusicSense[2] that listens to the learner's playing and offer real-time feedback, utilizing acoustic learning for piano, guitar, or singing.[3]
In July 2022, what was then JoyTunes announced that it was rebranding as Simply,[4] corresponding with the company's leading products[5] Simply Piano, Simply Guitar, Simply Sing, Simply Tune and branching out beyond music, with Simply Draw.
Simply raised $7M from angel investors and VCs. In August 2014, Simply raised $5 million in Series A funding led by Aleph VC and with participation from Formation 8 and Genesis Partners.[6] Angel investors include the former CEO of Steinway Musical Instruments, Dana Messina and Zohar Gilon.[7]
In 2019, Simply announced that it raised $25 million in a round led by Tel Aviv-based venture capital firm Qumra Capital and later that year raised $50 million from Google Ventures, Qualcomm Ventures and Hearst Ventures.[8] The company has raised $97 million to date.[9]