Its products and services were created to design and sell highly configurable power, logic, and timing mixed signal IC products described as CMICs (configurable mixed-signal IC products),[2] they are now part of the Dialog Semiconductor portfolio. Silego was ranked the second-fastest growing semiconductor company in North America at the 2011 DeloitteTechnology Fast 500 event held in Menlo Park, California.[3][4] By August 2016, the company had shipped more than 2 billion CMICs.[5]
Programmable Mixed-signal Matrix: Dual Supply GreenPAK, GreenPAK with Power Switches, GreenPAK with Asynchronous State Machine (ASM),[6] Micropower Operational Amplifiers.
High-performance Integrated Power Switches[7] and MOSFET drivers: HFET 1, GreenFET 3, GreenFET 1,[8] CurrentPAK.
32.768 kHz and MHz clocks: GreenCLK 3, GreenCLK 2, GreenCLK 1, System & Server Clocks.