South side of Pingshan Blvd(W), West side of Jinkang Road
Exit B
South side of Pingshan Blvd(E), East side of Jinkang Road , Shenzhen No.1 Vocational and Technical School (Pingshan Campus)
Exit C
North side of Pingshan Blvd(E), West side of Kengzi Shatian Road, Shatian Community Neighborhood Committee, Shenzhen Pingshan District Shatian Full Time Fire Squadron
Exit D
North side of Pingshan Blvd(W)
Exit B (Before the station's opening)
Exit C (Before the station's opening)
^""两线三枢纽"开通!深圳首条地铁14号线今日正式迎客" ["Two lines Three hubs" is opened! Shenzhen's Line 14 welcomes passengers starting from today]. 2022-10-28. 地铁14号线起于岗厦北枢纽,延伸至沙田站,线路全长50.34公里