Opus contra naturam: A Shadow Play for Speaking Pianist
Pools of Darkness
Seven Tableaux Vivants Representing the Angel of History as Melancholia
Stelae for Failed Time
The composer regards Opus contra naturam, a scene set to the composer's own text and played by a Liberace-like figure, as the centre-piece of the opera (Whittall 2003, 27).
The opera begins with the suicide/death of philosopher Walter Benjamin and goes on to deal with various aspects of his writings and philosophy from the point of view of his descent into the underworld (Bernstein 2008).
Fitch, Lois, and John Halls. 2010. "Failed Time, Successful Time, Shadowtime: An Interview with Brian Ferneyhough". In Contemporary Music: Theoretical and Philosophical Perspectives, edited by Irène Deliège and Max Paddison. Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN978-0-7546-0497-6.
Ferneyhough, Brian. 2006. "Content and Connotation, Distance and Proximity: Re-presenting the Auratic in Shadowtime", transcribed by Alwyn Tomas Westbrooke. In Komponieren in der Gegenwart, edited by Jörn Peter Hiekel, 10–17. Darmstädter Diskurse 1. Saarbrücken: Pfau-Verlag. ISBN978-3-89727-337-5.
Kramer, Lawrence. 2006. "'Au-delà d'une musique informelle': Nostalgia, Obsolescence, and the Avant-garde". Muzikologija: Časopis Muzikološkog Instituta Srpske Akademije Nauka i Umetnosti 6:43–62.
Lack, Graham. 2004. "Munich: Ferneyhough's Shadowtime and Other New Operas at the Biennale". Tempo 58, no. 230 (October): 51–55.
Lippe, Klaus. 2006. "'Who's to Say, What's to Say': Anmerkungen zur Rezeption von Brian Ferneyhoughs Oper Shadowtime—Im Kontext der Kunsttheorie Niklas Luhmanns". Musik & Ästhetik 10, no. 37 (January): 26–40.