The film revolves around three people: Chellappa, Saroja and Sudalamani. Chellappa is a smart college student from a poor family who lives with his widow mother Thangamma. Saroja is the daughter of the village chief and arrogant Rasathi. Sudalamani is Saroja's relative and a womanizer who teases the village girls. He wants to marry Saroja to gain her property. One day, Chellappa beats up Sudalamani, and they land at Saroja's house. At the village court, Chellappa remains silent. Saroja, irritated by his reaction, gets him suspended from the college. She later learns that Chellappa saved a blind girl from the pervert Sudalamani, but Chellappa remains silent at the village court to protect the blind girl's privacy.
Later, Saroja wrongly accuses Chellappa of kidnapping her and holding her for a day. Chellappa accepts the blame and he says that he did much worse. The villagers advise Saroja to marry Chellappa. The shrewish Rasathi refuses and tries to find a bribe for her daughter, but nobody wanted to marry an unchaste woman. Only Sudalamani accepts for marriage, and they arrange their wedding. The day before their wedding, the villagers force Chellappa to marry Saroja. What transpires next forms the rest of the story.
Malini Mannath of The Indian Express wrote, "the handling of the script is not all that bad, and the director has managed to keep a steady pace throughout".[5] The film did not do well at box-office.[3]