Sennen Kitsune: Kanpō "Sōjinki" yori (千年狐 ~干宝「捜神記」より~) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Rokurō Chō. It was originally published as a one-shot in Media Factory's Monthly Comic Flapper magazine in December 2017. It later began serialization in the same magazine in April 2018.
Written and illustrated by Rokurō Chō, Sennen Kitsune: Kanpō "Sōjinki" yori was initially published as a one-shot in Media Factory's Monthly Comic Flapper magazine on December 5, 2017.[2] It later began serialization in the same magazine on April 5, 2018.[3] Its chapters have been compiled into ten tankōbon volumes as of September 2023.[4]
A promotional video commemorating the first reprint of the first volume was released on the Kadokawa Anime YouTube channel on March 21, 2019. The PV is narrated by Hiromi Igarashi.[14]
A voice comic adaptation was also released on the same YouTube channel on June 3, 2022. The voice comic consists of performances by Hiromi Igarashi, Takaya Hashi, Daiki Hamano, and Kenichi Ono.[15]
The series was nominated for the fifth Next Manga Awards in 2019 in the print category and was ranked 16th out of 50 nominees.[16]