Set in the vibrant atmosphere of Miami's underground teenage club world, we follow the powerful journey of Amiya Castle, who feels discarded by her mother after being left to spend the summer with relatives. In the gritty Liberty City area, Amiya, a deeply troubled girl, comes face to face with unbelievable circumstances of tragedy and turmoil that she chronicles. When Amiya is forced to explain a school report, she reveals accounts of her summer infatuation with the neighborhood thug and of a young girl's attempt to keep her drug-addicted mother alive.
Amiya also sets out to explain the tragic story of two sisters, Nia and Tiana, who are fiercely devoted to each other and to staying out of the welfare system, where they spent several years after their mother abandoned them. Now living with their only available relative, Aunt Georgia, Nia and Tiana, feel hopeful for the first time in their young lives. After an unexpected death occurs, the girls’ friendship grows into a tight bond, where personal lessons are learned and a dark secret is kept.[4][5][6]
Secrets of the Magic City screened at the 2013 American Black Film Festival (ABFF) in the "Narrative" category it screened at the 2013 Annual Urban World Film Festival in New York City and the 2013 Bronze Lens Film Festival in Atlanta where Jamie Hector and Jenifer Lewis were nominated and won awards for Best Actor and Actress. The film debuted on Centric TV June 26, 2015 and received worldwide distribution with EOne Entertainment.[8][9]