Genus of moths
Scythris is a genus of gelechioid moths . It is the type genus of the flower moth family , which is sometimes included as a subfamily in the Xyloryctidae , or together with these merged into the Oecophoridae .[ 2] The genus was erected by Jacob Hübner in 1825.
It is the largest [verification needed ] genus of flower moths, and as such might not be fully monophyletic with regard to some very small or monotypic genera placed in the same family. In addition, new species of Scythris continue to be discovered and described.[ 3]
Selected species
Species groups
The species of Scythris have been divided among several groups, which may or may not be monophyletic ; those that are may – provided they are closely enough related to the type species S. limbella – be considered subgenera . There is a considerable number of species whose exact relationships are hitherto elusive. Some have been placed in a "monospecific species group" of their own, as they are too distinct from the other groups to be included there, yet at the same time have characteristic autapomorphies . Species groups include:[ 4] [ 3]
aenea group
aerariella group
Scythris adustella Jäckh, 1978
Scythris aerariella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855)
Scythris anomaloptera (Staudinger, 1880)
Scythris binotiferella (Ragonot, 1880[verification needed ] )
Scythris brummanae Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2012
Scythris carboniella Jäckh, 1978
Scythris corsa Passerin d'Entrèves, 1986
Scythris dorycniella (Milliére, 1861[verification needed ] )
Scythris flaviventrella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855)
Scythris hungaricella Rebel, 1917
Scythris imperiella Jäckh, 1978
Scythris jaeckhi Bengtsson, 1989
Scythris lhommei Bengtsson & Passerin d'Entrèves, 1988
Scythris parnassiae Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris popescugorji Passerin d'Entrèves, 1984
Scythris ridiculella Caradja, 1920
Scythris tergestinella (Zeller, 1855)
Scythris tumidella K. & T.Nupponen, 2001
alseriella group
Australian group
Scythris adelopa Meyrick, 1897
Scythris celidopa Meyrick, 1921
Scythris ceratocosma Meyrick, 1897
Scythris crypsigramma Meyrick, 1897
Scythris detestata Meyrick, 1922
Scythris diatoma (Turner, 1927)
Scythris erebospila Meyrick, 1897
Scythris fumida Turner, 1923
Scythris hologramma (Lower, 1899)
Scythris leucochyta (Turner, 1947)
Scythris paredra Meyrick, 1897
Scythris pleonectis Meyrick, 1897
Scythris plocanota Meyrick, 1897
Scythris praestructa Meyrick, 1922
Scythris rhabducha Meyrick, 1897
Scythris sporadica Meyrick, 1897
Scythris xenonympha (Lower, 1900)
bagdadiella group
bazaensis group
boseanella group
camelella group
canescens group
Scythris angustella Nupponen, 2009
Scythris appendicella Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris articulatella Chrétien, 1915
Scythris barbatella Chrétien, 1915
Scythris biskraensis Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris canescens (Staudinger, 1880)
Scythris cupellella Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris curlettii Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris deserticola Nupponen, 2010
Scythris eremella Chrétien, 1915
Scythris eucharis Walsingham, 1907
Scythris falkovitshi Nupponen, 2009
Scythris karvoneni Nupponen, 2010
Scythris maculosa Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris neftae Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris pura Walsingham, 1907
Scythris senecai Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris tessulatella Rebel, 1903
caramani group
Scythris albisaxella K. & T.Nupponen, 2000
Scythris arkaimensis Bengtsson, 2000
Scythris caramani Staudinger, 1880
Scythris cervella K. & T.Nupponen, 2001
Scythris cultelloides Nupponen & Sinev, 2011
Scythris eevae Nupponen, 2007
Scythris erinacella Nupponen, 2003
Scythris gorbunovi Nupponen, 2003
Scythris hamatella K. & T.Nupponen, 2001
Scythris hebesella Nupponen, 2005
Scythris kullbergi Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris lagomorphella Nupponen, 2002
Scythris malozemovi Nupponen, 2003
Scythris marashi Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2012
Scythris sinevi Nupponen, 2003
cicadella group
cistorum group
crassiuscula group
crypta group
decrepidella group
dissitella group
elenae group
empetrella group
fallacella group
formicella group
fuscoaenea group
fuscopterella group
gobiensis group
grandipennis group
Scythris bornicensis Jäckh, 1977
Scythris constanti Walsingham, 1898
Scythris cupreella (Staudinger, 1859)
Scythris ericetella (Heinemann, 1872)
Scythris grandipennis (Haworth, 1828)
Scythris kasyi Hannemann, 1962
Scythris maroccensis Jäckh, 1977
Scythris nevadensis Passerin d'Entrèves[verification needed ] , 1990
Scythris salviella Meess, 1910
Scythris scipionella (Staudinger, 1859)
Scythris scorpionella Jäckh, 1977
Scythris siculella Jäckh, 1977
Scythris tabidella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855)
gravatella group
iagella group
inclusella group
inertella group
inspersella group
insulella ("ericivorella ") group
karinae group
karsholti group
klimeschi group
knochella group
laminella group
Scythris andersi Bengtsson, 1991
Scythris bolognella Jäckh, 1978
Scythris braschiella (O.Hofmann, 1897[verification needed ] )
Scythris bubaniae Walsingham, 1907
Scythris danilevskyi Nupponen & Sinev, 2011
Scythris eberhardi Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris frankeniella Chrétien, 1916
Scythris kailai Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris laminella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Scythris saxella Bengtsson, 1991
Scythris thomisioides Bengtsson, 1997
limbella group – possibly subgenus Scythris
lobella group
mariannae group
martini group
meanderis group
monochreella group
mus group
nigrella group
nipholecta group
noricella group
obscurella group – possibly subgenus Galanthia
Scythris amphonycella (Geyer, [1836])
Scythris bengtssoni Patocka & Liska, 1989
Scythris cuspidella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Scythris flavilaterella (Fuchs, 1886)
Scythris hornigii (Zeller, 1855)
Scythris lampyrella (Constant, 1865)
Scythris mediella (Constant, 1855[verification needed ] )
Scythris obscurella (Scopoli, 1763)
Scythris rouxella (Constant 1865) (sometimes in C. hornigii , tentatively placed here)
Scythris speyeri (Heinemann & Wocke, 1876) [verification needed ]
Scythris shafferi Bengtsson, 2005
Scythris abruptella Sachkov, 2013
palustris group
pascuella group
Scythris aciella Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris albidella (Stainton, 1867)
Scythris albosuffusella Nupponen, 2007
Scythris barguzinensis Bengtsson & Liska, 1996
Scythris bidzilyai Sachkov, 2013
Scythris bifissella (O.Hofmann, 1889)
Scythris caroxylella Falkovitsh, 1969
Scythris claudiae Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2011
Scythris cornuella Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris cramella Nupponen, 2010
Scythris flavidella Preissecker, 1911
Scythris fluxilis Falkovitsh, 1986
Scythris hemicycliella Nupponen, 2005
Scythris kantarae Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris karinupponei Bengtsson, 2000
Scythris lagunae Jäckh, 1978
Scythris mikkolai Sinev, 1993
Scythris nigridorsella Nupponen, 2007
Scythris orientella Sinev, 2001
Scythris pascuella (Zeller, 1855)
Scythris paullella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855)
Scythris perlucidella K. & T.Nupponen, 2000
Scythris pudorinella (Möschler, 1866)
Scythris rotundella Nupponen, 2010
Scythris satyrella Staudinger, 1880
Scythris subaerariella (Stainton, 1867)
Scythris tabescentella (Staudinger, 1880)
passerini group
penicillata group
petrella group
picaepennis group
pinker group
platypyga group
podoliensis group
polycarpaeae group
productella group
pulicella group
punctivittella group
rubioi group
schleichiella group
scopolella group
seliniella group
siccella group
sinensis group
subfasciata group
tributella group
unquisella group
? species group
Species incertae sedis
Finally, there are many species which are neither clearly assignable to any one species group, nor autapomorphic enough to be included in a monospecific "group". These include:[ 3]
Scythris abyanensis Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris accumulata Meyrick, 1914
Scythris achyropa Meyrick, 1916
Scythris acipenserella K. & T.Nupponen, 2000
Scythris acusella Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2012
Scythris adelopa Meyrick, 1897
Scythris aegrella K. Nupponen & Junnilainen, 2000
Scythris albiangulella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris albipuncta Turner, 1939
Scythris albocanella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris albogrammella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris alborzensis Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2011
Scythris alceella Junnilainen, 2002
Scythris alhamrae Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris amplexella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris ampullella Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2012
Scythris anchophylli Falkovitsh, 1969
Scythris ancystra Bucheli, 2005
Scythris anthracina Braun, 1923
Scythris anthracodelta Meyrick, 1911
Scythris aquaria Meyrick, 1913
Scythris arenicola K.Nupponen, 2005
Scythris arerai Huemer[verification needed ] , 2000
Scythris aristidella Rebel, 1902
Scythris astragali Falkovitsh, 1969
Scythris atascosa (Landry, 1991)
Scythris atollicola Nupponen & Saldaitis, 2013
Scythris autochlorella Paulian & Viette, 1955
Scythris axenopa Meyrick, 1918
Scythris balanophora Meyrick, 1916
Scythris balkhi Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2008
Scythris balli (Landry, 1991)
Scythris basilaris (Zeller, 1855)
Scythris basilicella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris basistrigella (Staudinger, 1880)
Scythris beccella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris bernardlandryi Bucheli, 2005
Scythris biacutella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris bicuspidella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris bifasciella Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2011
Scythris bifractella (Rebel, 1917)
Scythris bispinella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris brachyplecta Meyrick, 1928
Scythris brandti Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2008
Scythris brunneofasciella K. Nupponen & Junnilainen, 2000
Scythris buszkoi Baran, 2003
Scythris canceroides Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris canella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris capitalis (Erschoff, 1874)
Scythris capnofasciae Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris cassiterella (Snellen, 1884) (= S. baikalensis )
Scythris celidopa Meyrick, 1921
Scythris ceratella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris ceratocosma Meyrick, 1897
Scythris charon Meyrick, 1918
Scythris chelota Meyrick, 1906
Scythris chloraema (Meyrick, 1887)
Scythris chrysopygella Caradja, 1927
Scythris cinisella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris cirra Falkovitsh, 1969<
Scythris clemens Meyrick, 1921
Scythris cometa Meyrick, 1909
Scythris commota Meyrick, 1918
Scythris complexa Sinev, 2001
Scythris concurrens Meyrick, 1921
Scythris consimilella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris cretacella K. & T.Nupponen, 2000
Scythris cretiflua Meyrick, 1913
Scythris crypsigramma Meyrick, 1897
Scythris cucullella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris culmicola Meyrick, 1916
Scythris cuneata Bucheli, 2005
Scythris cuneatella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris curvipilella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris darwini Bucheli, 2005
Scythris delodelta Meyrick, 1930
Scythris denticolor Walsingham, 1900
Scythris deplanata Meyrick, 1928
Scythris depressa Meyrick, 1931
Scythris deprinsi Bengtsson, 2005
Scythris deresella Falkovitsh, 1969
Scythris detestata Meyrick, 1922
Scythris diatoma (Turner, 1927)
Scythris dicroa Falkovitsh, 1972
Scythris digitibasella Nupponen & Saldaitis, 2013
Scythris dimensa Meyrick, 1920
Scythris dimota Meyrick, 1931
Scythris discimaculella Rebel, 1936
Scythris distactica Meyrick, 1921
Scythris divaricata Braun, 1923
Scythris divergens Bengtsson, 2005
Scythris dividua Meyrick, 1916
Scythris durandella (Lucas, 1949)
Scythris eboracensis (Zeller, 1855)
Scythris eburnea (Walsingham, 1888)
Scythris ejiciens Meyrick, 1928
Scythris elachistoides Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris elburzi Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2008
Scythris eloquens Meyrick, 1921
Scythris epistrota (Meyrick, 1889)
Scythris erebospila Meyrick, 1897
Scythris erinacella Nupponen, 2003
Scythris eversmanni K. & T. Nupponen, 2000
Scythris expolita Meyrick, 1910
Scythris exsoluta Meyrick, 1920
Scythris faeculenta Meyrick, 1912
Scythris falcata Bucheli, 2005
Scythris farrata Meyrick, 1913
Scythris farsi Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2009
Scythris fasciata Falkovitsh, 1969
Scythris felesella Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris felixi Bengtsson & Sutter, 1996
Scythris fibigeri Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris fissurella Bengtsson, 1996
Scythris fluvialis Meyrick, 1916
Scythris fonticola Meyrick, 1911
Scythris formidabilis (Landry, 1991)
Scythris fumida Turner, 1923
Scythris furculata Bucheli, 2005
Scythris fuscicomella (Clemens, 1860)
Scythris galapagosensis Bucheli, 2005
Scythris galeatella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris ganesha Nupponen & Sinev, 2011
Scythris garciapitai Vives, 2001
Scythris ghaemii Bengtsson & Huemer, 2003
Scythris gladiella K. & T.Nupponen, 2004
Scythris glaphyropa Meyrick, 1914
Scythris glyphidota Meyrick, 1916
Scythris gratifica Meyrick, 1921
Scythris halmyrodes Meyrick, 1921
Scythris halophiliella Amsel, 1935
Scythris haloxylella Falkovitsh, 1969
Scythris hemidictyas Meyrick, 1928
Scythris hamardabanica Nupponen, 2003
Scythris heikkii Nupponen, 2007
Scythris hologramma (Lower, 1899)
Scythris hostilis Nupponen, 2005
Scythris hyalinella Caradja, 1920
Scythris hydronoma Meyrick, 1930
Scythris hymenata (Landry, 1991)
Scythris ianitella Nupponen, 2005
Scythris iconiensis Rebel, 1902
Scythris ilyopa Meyrick, 1921
Scythris immaculatella (Chambers, 1875)
Scythris immunis Meyrick, 1916
Scythris inanima Meyrick, 1916
Scythris inconspicuella Sinev, 2001
Scythris indigoferivora Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris ingens Nupponen, 2005
Scythris inornatella (Chambers, 1880)
Scythris interrupta Braun, 1920
Scythris invisa Meyrick, 1920
Scythris iterella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris jakutica Sinev, 2001
Scythris jalavai Sinev, 1993
Scythris jemenensis Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris justifica Meyrick, 1911
Scythris karini Bengtsson, 1991
Scythris kaszabi Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2006
Scythris kaschmirica Bengtsson, 2005
Scythris kefensis Nupponen, 2001
Scythris kolachii Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2012
Scythris kyzylensis Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris lactanea Meyrick, 1913
Scythris lamprochalca Meyrick, 1931
Scythris latebrosa Meyrick, 1913
Scythris lativalvella Sinev, 2001
Scythris lativittis Gerasimov, 1930
Scythris leucochyta (Turner, 1947)
Scythris libanotica Jäckh, 1978
Scythris linnavuorii Bengtsson, 2005
Scythris longissima (Landry, 1991)
Scythris luxatiella K.Nupponen & Kaitila, 2000
Scythris lycii Falkovitsh, 1969
Scythris macrourella Sinev, 2001
Scythris medullata Meyrick, 1916
Scythris melanodora Meyrick, 1912
Scythris meraula Meyrick, 1916
Scythris mesoplecta Meyrick, 1921
Scythris minorella Sinev, 2001
Scythris mixaula Meyrick, 1916
Scythris nanophyti Falkovitsh, 1979
Scythris neocompsa (Meyrick, 1933)
Scythris nepalensis Bengtsson, 2005
Scythris neurogramma Walsingham, 1900
Scythris nigra Philpott, 1931
Scythris nigrispersa Meyrick, 1918
Scythris nigrogrammella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris nigropterella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris ninae Nupponen, 2003
Scythris niphozela Meyrick, 1931
Scythris nitidella Bengtsson & Liska, 1996
Scythris nivicolor Meyrick, 1916
Scythris notorrhoa Meyrick, 1921
Scythris obliqua Falkovitsh, 1969
Scythris ochrantha Meyrick, 1909
Scythris ochrea Walsingham, 1896
Scythris ochrogramma Meyrick, 1916
Scythris olschwangi K. & T.Nupponen, 2000
Scythris onerica Nupponen, 2009
Scythris orientella Sinev, 2001
Scythris oxyplecta Meyrick, 1916
Scythris paelopyga Staudinger, 1880
Scythris pallidella Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2006
Scythris pamirica Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2008
Scythris pangalactis Meyrick, 1933
Scythris parachalca Meyrick, 1916
Scythris parafluxilis Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2007
Scythris paralogella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris paredra Meyrick, 1897
Scythris parenthesella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris patiens Meyrick, 1921
Scythris pectinicornis Walsingham, 1900
Scythris pelinaula Meyrick, 1916
Scythris pelochyta Meyrick, 1909
Scythris persephone Meyrick, 1936
Scythris pfeifferella Rebel, 1936
Scythris pilosella (Zeller, 1873)
Scythris pistillata Bucheli, 2005
Scythris piratica Meyrick, 1928
Scythris pleonectis Meyrick, 1897
Scythris plocanota Meyrick, 1897
Scythris plocogastra Meyrick, 1931
Scythris plutelloidella Turati, 1934
Scythris poliantha Meyrick, 1921
Scythris pollicella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris potatorella Nupponen, 2003
Scythris powelli (Landry, 1991)
Scythris praematura Meyrick, 1937
Scythris praestructa Meyrick, 1922
Scythris pruinata Falkovitsh, 1972
Scythris pterosaurella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris reflectella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris remexella K. Nupponen & Kaitila, 2000
Scythris rhabducha Meyrick, 1897
Scythris richteri Bengtsson, 2013
Scythris rivigera Meyrick, 1911
Scythris roseola Meyrick, 1912
Scythris saarelai K. & T.Nupponen, 1999
Scythris sacharissa Meyrick, 1913
Scythris sachkovi Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2006
Scythris sagitatella Erschoff, [1877]
Scythris sanae Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris sciochalca Meyrick, 1928
Scythris scotinopa Meyrick, 1935
Scythris scutulella Nupponen, 2013
Scythris scyphella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris sibirella Sinev, 2001
Scythris sinuosa Bucheli, 2005
Scythris sinuosella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris sitarcha Meyrick, 1918
Scythris strabella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris solitaria Diakonoff, 1955
Scythris soluta Meyrick, 1916
Scythris sophronia Meyrick, 1935
Scythris sordidella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris spectatorella Nupponen, 2001
Scythris spissata Meyrick, 1916
Scythris sponsella (Busck, 1907)
Scythris sporadica Meyrick, 1897
Scythris spumifera Meyrick, 1918
Scythris stagnosa Meyrick, 1913
Scythris striella Turati, 1929
Scythris subcassiterella Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris subclavella Rebel, 1901
Scythris subeburnea (Walsingham, 1891)
Scythris subgaleatella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris sublaminella K. & T.Nupponen, 2000
Scythris subparachalca Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris subsignata Meyrick, 1916
Scythris syrmatica Meyrick, 1916
Scythris taizzae Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris talyniella Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2006
Scythris taurella Caradja, 1920
Scythris tauromeniella Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2004
Scythris taygeticola Scholz, 1997
Scythris tenuisquamata Staudinger, 1880
Scythris tephrella Bengtsson, 2005
Scythris terekholensis Bengtsson, 1997
Scythris tibicina Meyrick, 1916
Scythris timoi Nupponen, 2009
Scythris triatma Meyrick, 1936
Scythris trinummulata Meyrick, 1922
Scythris triochrias Meyrick, 1916
Scythris trivinctella (Zeller, 1873)
Scythris tsherkesella Falkovitsh, 1969
Scythris turanica Nupponen, 2009
Scythris tuzensis Bengtsson, 2005
Scythris tytrella Falkovitsh, 1969
Scythris unimaculella Rebel, 1905
Scythris ustjuzhanini Sachkov & Sinev, 2001
Scythris valgella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris valvaearcella Bengtsson, 2002
Scythris vernusella Jäckh, 1978
Scythris vogelfederbergensis (Mey, 2011)
Scythris xenonympha (Lower, 1900)
Scythris xylinochra Meyrick, 1931
Scythris ypsilon Braun, 1920
Scythris wadiqeltella Passerin d'Entrèves & Roggero, 2013
Scythris zelleri (Staudinger, 1880)
Scythris zeugmatica Meyrick, 1931
Scythris aarviki Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris abachausensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris agassizi Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris alainensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris albipunctella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris albonigrella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris anaecapitella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris apicispinella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris aratrella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris asinella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris atroparvella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris aulaeella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris balantiella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris baringensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris basimaculella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris bernardi Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris bicalamella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris bipunctella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris bisacculella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris bisincusella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris bitterfonteinica Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris bjoernstadi Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris bontebokensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris bosicornella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris brandbergensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris brevimanubriella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris bromiella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris brunneostriella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris budongensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris capilliverticella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris catuliformis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris cederbergensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris clarki Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris claudioculella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris conimarginella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris coniobliquella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris cooperi Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris coriella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris cottrelli Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris cricetinaeformis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris davidi Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris dicksoni Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris dorsifuscella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris durbanensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris eburiplicella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris eburnella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris eburnipterella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris ellipsiella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris enigmella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris ethiopica Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris etoshensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris falciformis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris flavoterminella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris fumarolella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris gaboronensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris geminella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris gielisi Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris gilgilensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris griseella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris hanseni Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris helskloofensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris heniaeguttella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris hermanusensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris hirudoformis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris humeriformis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris jacobseni Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris jamakensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris jansei Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris jodhpursoides Bengtsson, 2016
Scythris jurateae Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris kalaharii Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris kalkrandensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris kavangensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris kihondensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris kilifiensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris kingstoni Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris krooni Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris kruegeri Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris lactifuscella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris lahaivora Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris leifi Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris lushotensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris magnipedella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris malawica Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris malelanensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris marginifuscella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris matopensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris messinensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris meyeri Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris meyi Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris mpalensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris mulanjensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris munroi Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris naivashensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris najaoides Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris naukluftensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris nguliae Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris niniae Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris nussi Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris nyangensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris nyikensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris nylstroomensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris nylsvleyensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris obnubilella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris ochrocrusella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris ochroplicella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris octocornella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris oculella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris otaviensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris paarlensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris palmwagensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris piriensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris piriformis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris popensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris potgieteri Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris pravitella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris pretoriensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris pulveratella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris quadrilobella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris rumurutiensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris satarensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris scholzi Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris schouteni Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris sericiella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris serinusoides Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris setaelongella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris shingwedziensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris silfverbergi Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris simplicella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris skukuzensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris snymani Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris solutella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris somangensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris stoltzei Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris strydomi Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris subconcurrens Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris subcurvipilella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris subgriseella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris subnigropterella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris subroseola Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris thikensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris thoracifaciella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris tubulella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris turiensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris ugabensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris ugandica Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris umtaliensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris unciclavella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris valvaerimella Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris vanderwolfi Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris varii Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris virgaeformis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris wankiensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris waterbergensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris wolframi Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris worcesterensis Bengtsson, 2014
Scythris zimbabwensis Bengtsson, 2014
^ AEBR (2008), and see references in Savela (2008)
^ Pitkin & Jenkins (2004), AEBR (2008), ToL (2008), FE (2009), and see references in Savela (2008)
^ a b c FE (2009), and see references in Savela (2008)
^ AEBR (2008), FE (2009), and see references in Savela (2008)