The concept of Scouting is at least marginally understood in Turkmenistan, as Turkmenistan issued postage stamps for the October 7, 1997 90th anniversary of the Boy Scouts; as well as other Turkmen postage stamps with Scout motifs and showing a heavy, darkish colored fleur-de-lis. This does not necessarily mean complete understanding, and the stamps may well simply have been produced for the sake of marketability, but it shows that the concept of Scouting exists at some level in Turkmenistan.
With the 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union, it was suggested that the Türkiye İzcilik Federasyonu assist in the creation of Scouting movements in the Turkic Central Asian republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, but it is uncertain if this plan ever materialized. In Iraq there is the Turkmen Federation of Scouts (Türkmen Izcilik Federasyonu) founded in 2010 and based in Kirkuk.
The Scout Motto is Daima Häzir, meaning Be Prepared in Turkmen, similar to Azeri and Turkish mottoes. The Turkmen noun for a single Scout is Skaut or İzci. Given recent flux in the Turkmen language, an entirely different name may be decided upon.