The story revolves around an orphan girl named Rameen (Anmol Baloch). Her parents died in her childhood and she became the sole owner of her father's wealth and property. She likes her cousin Saim (Humayun Ashraf) but her aunt (Saim's mother), whom she is currently living with, fixed her marriage with Faris (Azfar Rehman) who belongs to rich background. The motive behind this was that she doesn’t want people to think that she fixed marriage of her son with Rameen due to her wealth and properties. Saim was shocked on her mother's decision while Rameen agrees on her aunt's decision as her aunt was the only one who took care of her after her parents' death. Soon after Rameen's marriage, her husband had an accident due to which he went in coma. Rameen is now taking care of her husband but she soon realizes that Faris will never recover from his coma. Considering Faris died, Rameen leave the house of her aunt and one day her family know that is died and after one year. Rameen is alive and than one day Alizeh (Saim's friend) see Rameen and Alizeh take Saim to Rameen's home. Saim shocked and than in last episode Saim marry Alizeh. Rameen is single completely.[3]