Saving Private Perez is a 2011 Mexican Westerncomedy film directed by Beto Gómez. The plot follows a Mexicanorganized crime leader, who is asked by his mother to rescue his brother, a United States Marine Private fighting in Iraq. The mobster sets up a team of four hand-picked Mexican men for the mission: his best friend, a Native Indigenous tomato farmer; two older veterans and a convicted murderer who is rescued from prison.[3]
Miguel Rodarte as Julián Pérez, a powerful Mexican drug kingpin and Juan Perez's older brother.
Jesús Ochoa as José María 'Chema' Díaz, one of the two old veterans in the Juan Perez's rescue team.
Joaquín Cosio as Rosalío 'Chalío' Mendoza, one of the two old veterans in the Juan Perez's rescue team.
Rodrigo Oviedo as Juventino Rodríguez 'Pumita', a notorious and dangerous convicted murderer, Benito Garcia's sicario and one of the members of Juan Perez's rescue team.
Gerardo Taracena as Carmelo Benavides, a Native Indigenous tomato farmer, Julian's best friend and one of the members of Juan Perez's rescue team.
Marius Biegai as Sasha Boginski (Russian: Саша богинский, Sasha Boginskiy), a Russian druggie.
Jaime Camil as Eladio, Julian's intelligent and wise right-hand.