Sarhad: The Border of Crime is a 1995 Hindi action crime drama directed by Mahendra Shah and starring Deepak Tijori in the lead role.[2]
The plot revolves around Prakash, Sandhya, their baby, and Deepak, an engineering student and younger brother of Prakash, and the dangerous criminal Kundecha. Kundecha's evil eye falls on Sandhya who is working as a locker in charge in one of his banks. From the day Sandhya and Prakash discovered that the bank stores cocaine, their family comes in dangerous clutches of Kundecha. Wherever they went for help, Kundecha's goons thwarted them. They cannot face Kundecha and his strong power so they kill themselves, leaving Prakash to face the menace of Kundecha, which he does with his intelligence and presence of mind.