In 2009, Sara Zandieh entered a story called The Pool Party in the Narrative Magazine 30 Below contest for writers between the ages of 18 and 30.[6] She was among the top ten N30B finalists and won $100 for her effort.[6]
In 2010, Zandieh directed The Pool Party. It is a 14-minute short film that was shot in Tehran just before the 2009-2010 Iranian election crisis.[7] It documents the story of a male servant, who must fully repair a pool while acting as a surrogate father to the master's daughter. Zandieh combined social realism with allegory to illustrate the servant's struggle.[1]
2010 Tribeca Film Festival
Zandieh's film was one of 47 short films screened in Lower Manhattan theaters.[8] Like Tal Rosner, Zandieh is a returning director.[8] Amongst other directors premiering films, she competed against Kirsten Dunst.[8] Student kudos went to the winning short, Some Boys Don't Leave, "with special mention going to Sara Zandieh's The Pool Party."[4]