System Activity Report (sar) is a Unix System V-derived system monitor command used to report on various system loads, including CPU activity, memory/paging, interrupts, device load, network and swap space utilization. Sar uses /proc filesystem for gathering information.[2]
Platform support
Sar was originally developed for the Unix System V operating system; it is available in AIX, HP-UX, Solaris and other System V based operating systems but it is not available for macOS or FreeBSD. Prior to 2013 there was a bsdsar tool, but it is now deprecated.[3]
Most Linux distributions provide sar utility through the sysstat package.
sar [-flags] [ -e time ] [ -f filename ] [-i sec ] [ -s time ]
filename Uses filename as the data source for sar. The default is the current daily data file /var/adm/sa/sadd.
time Selects data up to time. The default is 18:00.
sec Selects data at intervals as close as possible to sec seconds.
[user@localhost]$ sar# Displays current CPU activity.
Sysstat package
Additional to sar command, Linux sysstat package in Debian,[4] RedHat Enterprise Linux and SuSE provides additional reporting tools:
sar(1): Collect, report, or save system activity information. – Linux User Commands Manual
sa1(8): Collect and store binary data in the system activity daily data file. – Linux Administration and Privileged Commands Manual
sa2(8): shell variant of sar, supporting the same flags as sar command which write a daily report in the /var/log/sa directory. – Linux Administration and Privileged Commands Manual
sadf(1): , similar to sar but can write its data in different formats (CSV, XML, etc.). This is useful to load performance data into a database, or import them in a spreadsheet to make graphs.
^"sag(1)"(PDF). SUNOS Reference Manual. Mountain View, California: Sun Microsystems. 1993-02-24. pp. 1–895. Retrieved 2010-05-04. sag - system activity graph [...] DESCRIPTION sag graphically displays the system activity data stored in a binary data file by a previous sar(1) run.