The film begins with a martinet, Raja Shekaram, a tycoon who lives delightfully with his wife Lakshmi and three children. However, his elder Hari & daughter Radha follow in his footsteps. He excludes the second, Ravi, who works as a laborer in his factory and blisses life. Ravi loves an orphan, Gowri. With the aid of their intimate insider, Gopalam, Ravi copes by setting her as a servant. Meanwhile, Raja Shekaram couples Radha with a well-educated Kumar. Then, he discerns Ravi's love affair and expels him when Ravi quits and espouses Gowri. Soon after, for his selfhood, the vicious union leader Seshagiri / Seshu raises issues in the factory and drags Ravi, creating a feud between father & son. The Govt. appoints a special labor officer, Padmavathi, to resolve the conflict when Raja Shekaram is startled as she is his first love. Now, he divulges the past to Lakshmi. Indeed, the two were turtle doves in their student years, but destiny stipulated that he splice Lakshmi for his sibling. Forthwith, Lakshmi acquits Padmavathi, which concerns herself with a wrong choice for her husband and leaves the breath. Here, Raja Shekaram is left alone, and Padmavathi also heads out. So, he shifts to his elder but backs as Hari is bustling. Till then, Kumar occupies his house and deserts him. At last, Ravi stands up for his father's honor when Raja Shekaram comprehends his virtue. Finally, the movie ends happily with Raja Shekaram spending the rest of his life with Ravi & Gowri.