Sada Miyako, also known as Saku Miura (birth unknown - 1946) was an early practitioner of Jiujitsu and Judo in Brazil.[1]
In 1908 he and M. Kakiora were tasked to teach Japanese Jiujitsu to Brazilian sailors.[2] This predates the arrival of Konde Koma by six years.[2] His instruction had the purpose of having its practitioners suppress their adversairies.[2]
He engaged in an the famous vale tudo fight between himself and capoeirista Francisco da Silva Ciríaco knocked he was knocked out.[3] This fight was in 1909[4] and was witnessed by Agenor Moreira Sampaio.[5] This match was a demonstration of the early rivalry between Capoiera and Jiujitsu.[6] It was as a result of this loss that Jiujitsu faced a steep decline in Brazil.[7] One of his students who was Mario Aleixo.[4]
In 1919 he purchased a newspaper and became its president.[1] Miyaku was eventually expelled from Brazil as a result of his anti authority stances.[8]