Russian media company
SUP (Russian: СУП, which means 'soup') is an international online media company, founded in Moscow in mid-2006 by Andrew Paulson and Alexander Mamut. Its ownership is split between Mamut, Kommersant Publishing House and management.
SUP's first major announcement was a licensing agreement with Six Apart that gave SUP rights to use the LiveJournal brand, as well as operate portions of the LiveJournal service for LiveJournal's Russian users.[1] SUP subsequently purchased LiveJournal outright from its previous owners, Six Apart. Since its launch SUP has grown through acquisition and organically. In June 2008 Kommersant, a leading Russian media company, acquired a significant minority stake in the business.
SUP is split into two business divisions, one is SUP Media, which includes (a popular online news site); (an online sports site); and (a widely used[citation needed] blogging platform). The other business line is SUP Advertising, which includes +SOL (an online sales house which sells SUP's inventory, Russian media sites and foreign media sites including Yahoo, the BBC, and a number of newspaper sites) and Victory SA, a digital marketing agency.
In 2013, SUP was merged with Rambler.
External links
SUP corporate
SUP media
SUP advertising