Indian activist
S.R.Hiremath (Sangaih Rachayya Hiremath; born 5 November 1944, Belavanaki, Ron, Karnataka), is an Indian environmental and anti-corruption activist based in the state of Karnataka.[1] He is the founder president of Samaja Parivarthana Samudaya (Community for Social Change), a Non Governmental Organization for the Promotion of people oriented policies and legislation, Protection the rights of the tribals and rural poor over natural resources and the empowerment of Panchayat institutions, and he is a member of Karnatak Lingayat Education Society, [2] Hiremath also founded National Committee for Protection of Natural Resources.[3][4] He is best known for his relentless fight against the Illegal Mining mafia that took place in Karnataka and successfully challenging many political heavyweights and government executives associated with illegal mining.[5][6][7] His organization is the recipient of the highest Environmental honour in India, Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puraskar, an award accoladed for encouraging the public participation in environment, instituted by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India.[8]
Personal life
Hiremath graduated in Mechanical Engineering from B.V.B. College of Engineering and Technology.[9] Later, he worked as an Investment Banker in various public and private corporations in Pune including in Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago as an Advisor until 2019 he is decided to pursue the cause of Environment, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development.
Awards and honors
External links