In 1488, based on his own impressions of a trip to the Levant, he compiled the Compendieuse Description de la Terre de Promision.[1]
Cronicques martiniennes (Martinian Chronicles) (1458), translation and extension of Martin of Opava's universal chronicle written in 1277, which presents the history of popes and emperors.
Histoire des neuf preus et des neuf preues (1460), a continuation of the Nine Worthies.
L'ordre des règnes et régnons de France (19 April 1474), a list of French kings and queens.[5]
Passages faiz oultre mer par les François contre les Turcqs et autres Sarrazins et Mores oultre marins (Overseas campaigns of the French against the Turks, Saracens and Moors), usually known simply as the Passages d'outremer (circa 1474–1475), illustrated manuscript, which contains 66 miniatures, made by Jean Colombe.[6]
Compendieuse description de la terre de promision (A Brief Description of the Promised Land) (1488), written following the results of the author's pilgrimage to the Holy Land.