Rudites can be deposited in a variety of nonmarine and marine environments. In nonmarine settings, gravels, which later were lithified to become rudites, accumulated within fluvial channels, within alluvial fans, and as glacial deposits. In marine environments, rudites were deposited along shorelines as part of beaches, as basal conglomerates during marine transgressions, and in the deep sea by slumps and turbidites. Rudites composed largely of rounded siliciclastic gravel are conglomerates and others composed of angular siliciclastic gravel are breccias.
Pettijohn [5] gives the following descriptive terms based on grain size, avoiding the use of terms such as clay or argillaceous which carry an implication of chemical composition. The Greek terms are more commonly used for metamorphosed rocks, and the Latin for unmetamorphosed:
^U.S. Bureau of Mines Staff (1996) Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, & Related Terms. Report SP-96-1, U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Washington, D.C.
^Neuendorf, K.K.E., J.P. Mehl, Jr., and J.A. Jackson, J.A., eds. (2005) Glossary of Geology (5th ed.). Alexandria, Virginia, American Geological Institute. 779 pp. ISBN0-922152-76-4